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(Barry) #1

XVIII. Young Waters.A SCOTTISH BALLAD. .....................................................

It has been suggested to the Editor, that this ballad covertly alludes to the
indiscreet partiality, which Queen Anne of Denmark is said to have shewn for the
bonny Earl of Murray; and which is supposed to have influenced the fate of that
unhappy nobleman. Let the reader judge for himself.

The following account of the murder is given by a contemporary writer, and a
person of credit,-- Sir James Balfour, knight, Lyon King of Arms, whose manuscript
of the Annals of Scotland is in the Advocates' Library at Edinburgh.

"The seventh of Febry, thiszeire, 1592, the Earle of Murray was cruelly
murthered by the Earle of Huntley at his house in Dunibrissel in Fyffe-shyre, and with
him Dunbar, sheriffe of Murray. It was given out and publicly talkt, that the Earle of
Huntley was only the instrument of perpetrating this facte, to satisfie the King's
jealousie of Murray, quhum the Queene, more rashely than wisely, some few days
before had cornmendit in the King's hearing, with too many epithets of a proper and
gallant man. The reasons of these surmises proceedit from a proclamatione of the
Kings, the 13 of Marche following; inhibiteine thezoung Earle of Murray to persue
the Earle of Huntley, for his father's slaughter, in respect he being wardeit
[imprisoned] in the castell of Blacknesse for the same murther, was willing to abide a
tryall, averring that he had done nothing but by the King's majesties commissione;
and was neither airt nor part in the murther."[1]

The following ballad is here given from a copy printed not long since at
Glasgow, in one sheet 8vo. The world was indebted for its publication to the Lady
Jean Hume, sister to the Earl of Hume, who died at Gibraltar.

ABOUTzule, quhen the wind blew cule,
And the round tables began,
A'! there is cum to our kings court
Mony a well-favourd man.

The queen luikt owre the castle wa,
Beheld baith dale and down,
And then she sawzoung Waters
Cum riding to the town.

His footmen they did rin before,
His horsemen rade behind,
Ane mantel of the burning gowd
Did keip him frae the wind.

Gowden graith'd his horse before
And siller shod behind,
The horsezong Waters rade upon
Was fleeter than the wind.

But than spake a wylie lord,
Unto the queen said he,
"O tell me qhua's the fairest face
Rides in the company."

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