Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

the collections ‘U vascidduzzu and A pici,

alternating, in the same period, the

publication in Italian of La Madonna nera

[The Black Madonna] and Fichidindia [Prickly

Pears]. He translated Mallarmé’s “L’après

midi d’un faune” and edited, with

philological rigor, La baronessa di Carini ─

“Storia” popolare del sec. XVI [The Baroness of

Carini ─ Popular “Story” of the Sixteenth

Century], 1958. As a scholar of popular

poetry he published Indovinelli popolari

siciliani [Popular Sicilian Riddles], 1954;

Gioco e fantasia [Play and Fantasy], 1956; La

primavera e i dodici mesi dell’anno [Spring and

the Twelve Months of the Year], 1959.

National language and dialect received,

in the poetry of Vann’Antò (pseudonym of

Giovanni Antonio Di Giacomo, 1891-1960)

equal attention, but did not have equal

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