Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

notwithstanding the persistence of an

essentially pessimistic atmosphere, can be

found in the two poems recently combined

into an art chapbook, Passeggiate ortonesi,

1992, dominated by the presence-absence of

his life companion, Isabella, whose death

placed a seal of love and death on the events

of a lifetime.

As for style and expressiveness,

Alessandro Dommarco’s poetry offers one of

the highest achievements of modern poetry

for the extremely refined use of words, both

at the phonetic and semantic level, the

accurate morphological-syntactical structure,

the transparency of images even through the

complexity of analogical relationships, the

density and, at the same time, the clarity of

the symbolical-metaphorical allusions. One

should add, finally, that the adoption of

blank hendecasyllables, so rare in the

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