Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

concrete interests in history, popular and

high culture, the dialects of the province and

ever stronger demands for separatism and

administrative autonomy. The fruitful

preparatory phase of the positivistic studies

of the late Nineteenth Century, especially in

the fields of folklore and history proper (cf.

Alberto Mario Cirese’s essay Intellettuali e

mondo popolare nel Molise [Intellectuals and

Popular World in Molise], Isernia, 1983, 3d

reprint) lays the groundwork for the

significant studies by B. Galileo Amorosa

(Riccia nella storia e nel folk-lore, 1903),

Eugenio Cirese (Canti popolari del Molise,

1910), Oreste Conti (Letteratura popolare

capracottese, 1911) Giovanni Ziccardi (Il

dialetto di Agnone, 1910), for the academic

research of Francesco D’Ovidio, whose

philological teachings were extremely

important for the methodological and

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