Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

impression of the “tragic” or the

“grotesquely” tragic, and never give in to

elegy, to regret and sentimental longing, to

games of imagination, of oblivion and flight:

that past, his past, is a nail, a boulder, a solid

consciousness of living that was, that is and

remains within, in spite of the deforestation

carried out by the culture of standardization

in the last forty years. In sum, a metaphor

conceived through a linguistic research in

the recovered, or to be recovered, archaic

warp, which does not give rise to gratuitous

phono-lexical preciosities, but rather the

will, eruditely constructed, to capture

human, social, natural identities not

representable in any other way: mystifying

mixtures of Italian and dialect, unfortunately

very common, are alien to Jovine, to his

rigorous linguistic and philological


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