Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

respect to literary society, which culminated

in the publication of the pamphlet Il mestiere

del furbo, [The Wily Trade], Milan 1959, force

him to emigrate to the U.S, where he must

rebuild not only a new life but a new

language as well. The link with his mother

country and with Italian culture and

language is retained in the Sixties through

his poetry in Italian: Carmina blabla, [Padua

1967], Monaci d’amore medievali [Medieval

Love Monks], Rome 1967; on the other hand,

intense is his narrative work, marked by a

forceful experimentation, only a very small

part of which has seen the light of

publication: Graffiti, Isernia 1977; Il tempo

nascosto tra le righe, [Time Hidden Between

the Lines], Isernia 1986.

The existential and memorial recovery of

Molise, first through a fictionalized

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