Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1
Calculation Procedure:

  1. Compute the beam-weight stresses at B
    In the composite stress diagram, Fig. 35Z?, the difference between an ordinate to EF(j and
    the corresponding ordinate to AHJ represents the value of/- at the given section. It is ap-
    parent that if AE does not exceed HF 9 then fti does not exceed HE in absolute value any-
    where along the span. Therefore, for the center interval BC, the critical stresses at transfer
    occur at the boundary sections B and C. Analogous observations apply to Fig. 35c.
    Computing the beam-weight stresses at B yields fbw = (%)(-374) = -281 lb/in

(-1937.5 kPa);/^ = +281 lb/in^2 (+1937.5 kPa).

  1. Tentatively set the critical stresses equal to their allowable
    values to secure the allowable unit superimposed load
    Thus, at B:fbi =fbp - 281 = +2400;/« =ftp + 281 = -190;/p = +2681 lb/in^2 (+18,485.5
    kPa);/p = -471 lb/in^2 (-3247.5 kPa).
    At M:fbf= 0.85(2681) -374 +/ - -425;/,- 0.85(-471) + 374 +/ = +2250;/,, =
    -2330 lb/in
    (-16,065.4 kPa);/, = +2277 lb/in
    (+ 15,699.9 kPa). The latter value con-
    Also, ws = 83(2277/374) - 505 Ib/lin ft (7369.9 N/m); 505/452 =1.12. The capacity is
    increased 12 percent.
    When the foregoing calculations are compared with those in the previous calculation
    procedure, the effect of deflecting the tendons is to permit an increase of 281 lb/in
    (1937.5 kPa) in the absolute value of the prestress at top and bottom. The accompanying
    increase in/, is 0.85(281) - 239 lb/in
    (1647.9 kPa).

  2. Find the minimum prestressing force and the eccentricity ef
    Examination of Fig. 34 shows that fcai is not affected by the form of trajectory used.
    Therefore, as in the previous calculation procedure, F 1 = 85,920 Ib (382,172.2 N);/^, =
    1074 - 85,92Oe 1 /!33 = -471; ^ 1 = 2.39 in (60.706 mm).
    Although it is not required, the value of fbp, = 1074 + 1074 - (-471) = +2619 lb/in
    (+18,058kPa), orfbp = 2681 - 53/0.85 = +2619 lb/in

  3. Establish the allowable range of values of e 2
    At the supports, the tendons may be placed an equal distance above or below the center.
    Then e 2 ,max = 1.96 in (23.44 mm); e 2 ,min = -1.96 in (-23.44 mm).


The beam in the second previous calculation procedure is to be prestressed by tendons ly-
ing in a parabolic arc. Evaluate the allowable unit superimposed load, the magnitude of
the prestressing force, the eccentricity of this force at midspan, and the increase in capac-
ity accruing from the use of curved tendons.

Calculation Procedure:

  1. Tentatively set the initial and final stresses at midspan
    equal to their allowable values to secure the allowable unit
    superimposed load
    Since the prestressing force has a parabolic trajectory, lines EFG in Fig. 356 and c will be

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