Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1
vestigation. Calculate fbp and ftp by expressing these
stresses as functions of the kern distances of the sec-

Calculation Procedure:

  1. Consider the prestressing force to be
    applied at each kern point, and evaluate
    the kern distances
    Let Qb and Qt denote the points at which a compres-
    sive force must be applied to induce a zero stress in the
    top and bottom fiber, respectively. These are referred to
    as the kern points of the section, and the distances kb
    and kt, from the centroidal axis to these points are
    called the kern distances.
    Consider the prestressing force to be applied at each
    FIGURE 36. Kern points. kem point in ^m Set me stresses/^, and/6/? equal to
    zero to evaluate the kern distances kb and kt , respec-
    tively. Thus 4 = FJA - FMS, = O, Eq. a;fbp = F 1 IA -
    Ffit/Sh = O, Eq. b. Then

St Sb
kb=- and kt=^- (55)
a A

And, kb = 14,400/850 = 16.9 in (429.26 mm); kt = 11,400/850 = 13.4 in (340.36 mm).

  1. Express the stresses fbp and ftp associated with the actual
    eccentricity as functions of the kern distances
    By combining the stress equations with Eqs. a and b, the following equations are ob-

Ffa + e) Ft(kb + e)
fbP= c and ftp= c (^56 )
^b ^t

Substituting numerical values gives fbp = 630,000(13.4 + 24)711,400 = +2067 lb/in^2
(+14,252.0 kPa);^ = 630,000(16.9 - 24)14,400 = -311 lb/in^2 (-2144.3 kPa).

  1. Alternatively, derive Eq. 56 by considering the increase
    in prestress caused by an increase in eccentricity
    Thus, A/Jp = F^e/Sb; therefore,/^ = Ffa + e)/Sb.


The data pertaining to a girder having curved tendons are A = 500 in
(3226.0 cm
); Sb =
5000 in
(81,950 cm
); St = 5340 in
(87,522.6 cm
); Mw = 3600 in-kips (406.7 kN-m);
M 5 = 9500 in-kips (1073.3 kN-m). The allowable stresses are: initial, + 2400 and -190
(+ 16,548 and-1310.1 kPa); final, + 2250 and-425 lb/in
(+15,513.8 and-2930.4
kPa). (a) Construct the Magnel diagram for this member, (b) Determine the minimum
prestressing force and its eccentricity by referring to the diagram, (c) Determine the pre-
stressing force if the eccentricity is restricted to 18 in (457.2 mm).
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