Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1
Calculation Procedure:

  1. Compute the properties of the cross section
    Since the tendons will be curved, the initial stresses at midspan may be equated to the al-
    lowable values. The properties of the cross section are A = 856 in
    (5522.9 cm
    ); / =
    394,800 in
    (1643 dm
    ); yb = 34.6 in (878.84 mm); yt = 21A in (695.96 mm); Sb = 11,410
    (187,010 cm
    ); St = 14,410 in
    (236,180 cm
    ); ww = 892 Ib/lin ft (13,017.8 N/m).

  2. Calculate the stresses at midspan caused by gravity loads
    Thus/^ = -950 lb/in
    (-6550.3 kPa);/fe = -2300 lb/in
    (-15,858.5 kPa);/^ = +752 lb/in
    (+5185.0 kPa);.4 = + 1820 lb/in^2 (+12,548.9 kPa).

  3. Test the section adequacy
    To do this, equate^and fti to their allowable values and compute the corresponding val-
    ues of/k andftf. Thusfbf = 0.85/^ - 950 - 2300 = -425;/, =ftp + 752 = -190; therefore,
    fbp = +3324 lb/in
    (+22,919.0 kPa) andftp = -942 lb/in
    (-6495.1 kPa);/w = +3324 - 950
    = +2374 < 2400 lb/in
    (16,548.0 kPa). This is acceptable. And^-= 0.85(-942) + 752 +
    1820 = + 1771 < 2250 lb/in^2 (15,513.8 kPa). This is acceptable. The section is therefore

  4. Find the minimum prestressing force and its eccentricity
    at midspan
    Do this by applying the prestresses found in step 3. Refer to Fig. 43. Slope of AB = [3324

  • (-942)]/62 = 68.8 Ib/(in^2 -in) (18.68 kPa/mm); F 1 IA = CD = 3324 - 34.6(68.8) = 944
    lb/in^2 (6508.9 kPa); F 1 = 944(856) = 808,100 Ib (3,594,428.8 N); slope of AB = F 1 ClI =
    68.8; e = 68.8(394,800)/808,100 = 33.6 in (853.44 mm). Sinceyb = 34.6 in (878.84 mm),
    this eccentricity is excessive.

  1. Select the maximum feasible eccentricity; determine the
    minimum prestressing force associated with this value
    Trye = 34.6 - 3.0 = 31.6 in (802.64 mm). To obtain the minimum value OfF 1 , equate/6/to
    its allowable value. Check the remaining stresses. As before,/^ = +3324 lb/in^2 (+22,919
    kPa). But fa, = F,-/856 + 31.6F 1 Vl 1,410 = +3324; therefore F 1 = 844,000 Ib (3754.1 kN).
    Also,/0, = -865 lb/in^2 (-5964.2 kPa);/w = +2374 lb/in^2 (+16,368.7 kPa);/, = -113 lb/in^2
    (-779.1 kPa);/^ = + 1837 lb/in^2 (+12,666.1 kPa).

  2. Design the tendons, and establish their pattern at midspan
    Refer to a table of the properties of Freyssinet cables, and select 12/0.276 cables. The des-
    ignation indicates that each cable consists of 12 wires of 0.276-in (7.0104-mm) diameter.

FIGURE 43. Prestress diagram.
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