Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1
With (f> = 30°, sin 30° = 0.500; sin 15° = 0.259; cos 15° = 0.966; tan 15° = 0.268.

  1. Find the lengths AC and BC
    Express these two lengths as functions of AB. Or, AB = b/sin </>); AC = [b sin (<|>/2)]/
    sin <£); BC = [b cos (</>)/2)]/sin <£); AC = 3.625(0.259/0.500) = 1.9 in (48.26 mm);
    BC = 3.625(0.966/0.500) = 7.0 in (177.8 mm). The projection into Ml is therefore not ex-

  2. Evaluate the stresses f 1 and f 2
    Resolve F into components parallel to AC and BC. Thus,/! = (F sin <f))/(A tan </>/2);f 2 = (F
    sin <£)[tan (<£/2)]A4, where A = crossectional area of Ml. Substituting gives/j = 783 lb/in^2
    (5399 kPa);/ 2 = 56 lb/in^2 (386.1 kPa).

  3. Calculate the allowable stresses
    Compute the allowable stresses NI and N 2 on A C and BC, respectively, and compare these
    with the actual stresses. Thus, by using Hankinson's equation from the previous calcula-
    tion procedure, N 1 = 1200(390)/(1200 x 0.259^2 + 390 x 0.966^2 ) = 1053 lb/in^2 (7260.4
    kPa). This is acceptable because it is greater than the actual stress. Also, N 2 =
    1200(390)/(1200 x 0.966^2 + 390 x 0.259^2 ) = 408 lb/in^2 (2813.2 kPa). This is also accept-
    able, and the joint is therefore satisfactory.


In Fig. 5, the Western hemlock members are connected with six 5OJ common nails. Cal-
culate the lateral load P that may be applied to this connection.

Calculation Procedure:

  1. Determine the member group
    The capacity of this connection is calculated
    in conformity with Part VIII of the National
    Design Specification. Refer to the Specifica-
    tion to ascertain the classification of the
    species. Western hemlock is in group III.

  2. Determine the properties of
    the nail
    Refer to the Specification to determine the
    properties of the nail. Calculate the penetra-
    tion-diameter ratio, and compare this value
    with that stipulated in the Specification. Thus, FIGURE 5
    length = 5.5 in (139.7 mm); diameter = 0.244
    in (6. 1976 mm); penetration/diameter ratio =
    (5.5 - 1.63)70.244 = 15.9 > 13. This is accept-

  3. Find the capacity of the connection
    Using the Specification, find the capacity of the nail. Then the capacity of the connection
    = P = 6(165) = 990 Ib (4403.5 N).

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