Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1
1+0.23Qf = 36.84
Q= 155.8 mg-min/L

For a residence time of 15 minutes, the required residual is

Ct = (155.8 mg-min/L)/15 min = 10.38 mg/L

The chlorination system should be designed to provide chlorine residuals over a range
of operating conditions and should include an adequate margin of safety. Therefore, the
dosage required at peak flow will be set at 15 mg/L.

  1. Determine the required capacity of the chlorinator
    The capacity of the chlorinator at peak flow with a dosage of 15 mg/L is calculated using:

Cl 2 (Ib/d) = (Dosage, mg/L)(Avg flow, Mgd)(P.F.)(8.34)

Cl 2 = Pounds of chlorine required per day (kg/d)
Dosage = Dosage used to obtain coliform reduction
Avg. Flow = Average flow
P.F. = Peaking factor for average flow
8.34 = 8.34 lb-L/Mgal-mg

Using values from above:

Cl 2 (Ib/d) = (15 mg/L)(0.5 Mgd)(2.8)(8.34) = 175 Ib/d (79.5 kg/d)

The next largest standard chlorinator size is 200 Ib/d (90.8 kg/d). Therefore, two 200
Ib/d (90.8 kg/d) chlorinators will be used with one serving as a spare. Although the peak
capacity will not be required during most of the day, it must be available to meet chlorine
requirements at peak flow.

  1. Compute the daily consumption of chlorine
    The average daily consumption of chlorine assuming an average dosage of 15 mg/L is

Cl 2 (Ib/d) - (15 mg/L)(0.5 Mgd)(8.34) = 62.5 Ib/d (28.4 kg/d)

A typical chlorination flow diagram is shown in Fig. 14. This is a compound loop sys-
tem which means the chlorine dosage is controlled through signals received from both ef-
fluent flow rate and chlorine residual.


What size main sanitary sewer is required for a midwestern city 30-acre (1.21 * 10
residential area containing six-story apartment houses if the hydraulic gradient is 0.0035
and the pipe roughness factor « = 0.013? One-third of the area is served by a branch sew-
er. What should the size of this sewer be? If the branch and main sewers must also handle
groundwater infiltration, determine the required sewer size. The sewer is below the nor-
mal groundwater level.

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