REFERENCES: Kurtz—Handbook of Engineering Economics, McGraw-Hill; Barish
and Kaplan—Economic Analysis for Engineering and Managerial Decision Making,
McGraw-Hill; DeGarmo et al.—Engineering Economy, Macmillan; Grant and Leaven-
worth—Principles of Engineering Economy, Ronald Press; Kasmer—Essentials of Engi-
neering Economics, McGraw-Hill; Smith—Engineering Economy, Iowa State University
Press; Cissell—Mathematics of Finance, Houghton Mifflin; Clifton and Fyffe—Project
Feasibilty Analysis, Wiley; Sullivan and Claycombe—Fundamentals of Forecasting,
Reston; Weston and Brigham—Essentials of Managerial Finance, Dryden Press; Lock—
Engineer's Handbook of Management Techniques, Grove Press (London, England); Je-
len—Project and Cost Engineers' Handbook, American Association of Cost Engineers;
Kharbanda—Process Plant and Equipment Cost Estimation, Vivek Enterprises (Bombay,
India); Johnson and Peters—A Computer Program for Calculating Capital and Operat-
ing Costs, Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8426, U.S. Department of Interior; Ost-
wald—Cost Estimation for Engineering and Management, Prentice-Hall; American As-
sociation of Cost Engineers—Cost Engineers' Notebook; Gass—Linear Programming:
Methods and Applications, McGraw-Hill; Hadley—Linear Programming, Addison-Wes-
ley; Bellman and Dreyfus—Applied Dynamic Programming, Princeton University Press;
Hadley—Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming, Addison-Wesley; Allen—Probability
and Statistics, and Queuing Theory, Academic Press; Cross and Harris—Fundamentals
of Queuing Theory, Wiley; Beightler—Foundations of Optimization, Prentice-Hall; Blum
and Rosenblatt—Probability and Statistics, W. B. Saunders; Brownlee—Statistical Theo-
ry and Methodology in Science and Engineering, Wiley; Quinn—Probability and Statis-
tics, Harper & Row; Newnan—Engineering Economic Analysis, Engineering Press;
Park—Cost Engineering, Wiley; Taylor—Managerial and Engineering Economy, VNR;
Mishan—Cost-Benefit Analysis, Praeger; Jelen and Black—Cost and Optimization Engi-
neering, McGraw-Hill; White et al.—Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis, Wi-
ley; Riggs—Engineering Economics, McGraw-Hill; Guenther—Concepts of Statistical
Inference, McGraw-Hill; Lindgren—Statistical Theory, Macmillan; Meyer—introducto-
ry Probability and Statistical Applications, Addison-Wesley; Renwick—Introduction to
Investments and Finance, Macmillan; O'Brien—CPM in Construction Management,
McGraw-Hill; Gupta and Cozzolino—Fundamentals of Operations Research for Man-
agement, Holden-Day.
Calculation of Interest,
Principal, and Payments
Symbols and Abbreviations
General: With discrete compounding, i = interest rate per period, percent; n = number of
interest periods. With continuous compounding, y = nominal annual interest rate, percent;
interest period = 1 year.
Simple and compound interest—single payment: P = value of payment at beginning of
first interest period, also termed present worth of payment; S = value of payment at end of
wth interest period, also termed future value of payment.