Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

(singke) #1
(a) Load on frame (b) Elastic curve (c) Moment diagram


Calculation Procedure:

  1. Apply a unit horizontal load
    Apply the unit horizontal load at A 9 directed to the right.

  2. Evaluate the bending moments in each member
    Let M and m denote the bending moment at a given section caused by the load P and by
    the unit load, respectively. Evaluate these moments in each member, considering a mo-
    ment positive if it induces tension in the outer fibers of the frame. Thus:
    Member AB: Let x denote the vertical distance from A to a given section. Then M= O;
    m = x.
    Member BC: Let x denote the horizontal distance from B to a given section. Then M=
    Px; m= a.
    Member CD: Let x denote the vertical distance from C to a given section. Then M =
    Pb; m = a - x.

  3. Evaluate the required deflection
    Calling the required deflection A, we apply A = / [MmI(EI)] dx; EIA = Jg Poxdx + /g Pb(a
    ~x)dx = Pax^2 /2]b 0 + Pb(ax - X^2 /2)]C 0 = Pab^2 /2 + Pabc - Pbc^2 /2; A = [Pb/(2EI)](ab + 2ac -
    c^2 ).
    If this value is positive, A is displaced in the direction of the unit load, i.e., to the right.
    Draw the elastic curve in hyperbolic fashion (Fig. 4Ob). The above three steps constitute
    the unit-load method of solving this problem.

  4. Construct the bending-moment diagram
    Draw the diagram as shown in Fig. 4Oc.

  5. Compute the rotation and horizontal displacement by the
    moment-area method
    Determine the rotation and horizontal displacement of C. (Consider only absolute values.)
    Since there is no rotation at D, EISc = Pbc\ EIA 1 = Pbc^2 /2.

  6. Compute the rotation of one point relative to another and the
    total rotation
    Thus EIOj 8 C = Pb^2 /2; EIB 8 = Pbc + Pb^2 /2 = Pb(c + b/2). The horizontal displacement of B
    relative to C is infinitesimal.

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