Figure 22. Dermopalatine of † Paleopsephurusand representa-
tivesof Huso andAcipenser:The dermopalatine is flat along the
anteroventral edge in † PaleopsephurusandHuso(a. b). but ex-
panded medially in acipenserines (arrows in c: Character 34).
The dermopalatine (dp)and ectopterygoid (ecp1)fuse in Sca
phirhynchus (Character 69). but are separate elements inall
other acipenseriforms (as shown in a. b c).
The in terhyal-posterior ceratohyal joint of Huso
and extant polyodontids (Grande & Bemis 1991)
occurs anteriorly on the interhyal (Figure 16a, b, c).
This is a cartilaginous character not scorable in fos-
sil acipenseriforms. but the anterior joint is consis-
tent in all extant outgroups.
Character 37. Loss of median cartilage posterior to
branchial arches –Acipenserinae
The ventralmidlineofthe branchialarchskeleton
of all acipenserines examined includes a large ba-
sibranchial one and one or two small posterior ba-
sibranchials (Figure 13c), but no other elements.
The posterior basibrachials are paired serially with
ceratobranchial lour and five (e.g., bb2associated
withcb4in Figure 13).
The branchial arch skeleton ofHusoand extant
polyodontids possesses a median cartilage posteri-
or to the serial basibranchials (ug). The median car-
tilage ofHusois thin and short (Figure 13b), but
forms a plate in PolyodonandPsephurus (Figure
13a). Grande & Bemis (1991) named it an unidenti-
fied median cartilage and it has no postional affinity
with any branchial arch. This element is cartilagi-
nous and not scorable in fossils, but is present in all
extant outgroups.
Character 38. Loss of haemal spines anterior to the
caudal fin-Acipenserinae
Elongate basiventrals with haemal spines are pre-
sent in a short span of the vertebral column entering
the caudal fin, but are missing in the caudal pedun-
cle. In all acipenserines examined, three to four ba-
siventrals with haemal spines (bvh) are typically
found anterior to the hypurals (hyp, Figure 23b)
supporting the anterior fin rays of the caudal fin as
an anterior shelf characteristic of Acipenseriformes
(Findeis 1993, Bemis et al. 1997). More anterior ba-
siventrals neverpossesshaemal spines (bv, Figure
Polyodontids (Grande & Bemis 1991) andHuso
(Figure 23a) possess haemal spines throughout the
caudal peduncle and extending anteriorly over the
anal fin. Elongate haemal spines may be dependent
on a deep peduncle, with the flattened peduncle of
acipenserines too spatially restricted to accommo-
Character 39. Lateral ethmoid shelves present-Sca-
The lateral ethmoid ridges of scaphirhynchines are
broad and ventrally flat, forming lateral ethmoid
shelves (les, Figure 17d) lateral to the groove carry-