Chavacter 66. Cleithralwallpresent
- Scaphirhynchus cardiacshield.
The cleithral wall of the scapulocoracoid is a trian-
gular sheet that spreads over the cleithrum in Sca-
phirhynchus(ctw,Figure 9b). It spans the anterior
process of the middle region (anp),the dorsal tip of
the mesocoracoid arch (msc),and the anterior edge
of the propterygial bridge (ptb,Figure 9b).
The scapulocoracoid of all other acipenserids ex-
amined possesses a thin cleithral arch (cta)extend-
ing dorsally, but not expanded medially (Figure 9a).
The anterior edge of the middle region isisolated as
a horizontal spar extending medially from base of
the cleithral arch (cta)to the anterior process (anp,
Figure 9a). Thus, the anterior face of the scapulo-
coracoid of outgroups is L-shaped, with a vertical
cleithral arm and horizontally extended anterior
converging posteriorly and symmetrically on the
The coracoid shelf of Pseudoscaphirhynchus,
Acipenser,andHusospreads anteromedially (Fig-
ure 9a) onto the clavicle as an elongate sheet, but
without lateral expansion (see Character 14). The
scapulocoracoid of polyodontids extends similarly
as a thick cylindrical process. This matches the ante-
riorly extended pectoral girdles of the outgroups
compared to the compact pectoral girdle of Sca-
phirhynchus.Thecoracoid shelf corresponds to the
dermal girdle and implicitly includes a pyramidal
scapulocoracoid shape as a character of Scaphi-
Character 69.Dermopalatine andectopterygoid
The dermopalatine and ectopterygoid develop as
separate bones that fuse in adult Scaphirhynchus
(Findeis 1991,1993). All adult specimens of S.plato-
rynchusexamined exhibited complete fusion, while
all small juveniles retain separate elements, sug-
gesting that fusion occurs in moderately sized juve-
In†Paleopsephurus(Grande&Bemis 1991), an
elongate process positionally similar to the acipen-
serid ectopterygoid is probably an independent
bone (Figure 22a), but the short process ofPsephu-
rusandPolyodonsuggests that the ectopterygoid is
lost in these genera. In Huso,Acipenser,andPseu-
doscaphirhynchus,the ectopterygoid is independ-
ent and closely contacts the dermopalatine (Figure
22b, c), but even in large specimens of A.bvevivos-
trumandA.oxyrinchusthere was never fusion be-
tween these bones. A small ectopterygoid process is
present in †Peipiaosteus(Zhou 1992), but it is un-
clear if it isa separate bone or fused. †Chondrosteus
has an independent ectopterygoid (=pterygoid of
Character 67.Athin processencircles theproptery-
The scapulocoracoid of Scaphirhynchuspossesses a
thin process extending under the propterygium re-
straining process of the cleithrum (prp,Figure8a).
This process curls anteroventrally as a half-circle
around the propterygial fossa (ptgp,Figure 9b).
This process isnot present in any other acipense-
rid (Figure 9a) and the propterygial fossa is open
primitively anteriorly against the cleithrum.
Character 68.Coracoidshelfrestricted to thecleith-
The coracoid shelf (csh)ofthe scapulocoracoid in
Scaphirhynchus spreads from the coracoid wall
(cw)medially and laterally onto the cleithrum (ar-
rows in Figure 9b). The largest portion spreads an-
terolaterally into the angle between the opercular
wall and cardiac shields (Findeis 1993). The medial
side slightly overlaps the clavicle, but ends in a small
footprint. In ventral view, the coracoid shelf is
roughly triangular, with the broad anterior edge
Genericlevel phylogenyofAcipenseridae
The character distribution from this analysis sup-
ports a new cladogram of genera of Acipenseridae