51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

and improved by Vadim Birstein and William E. nyi. 1994.MnemiopsismccradyiMayer, 1900 is a new inhabit-
ant of the Black Sea. Gidrobiologicheskiy Zhurnal30: 104–107
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Levintov, A.E. 1988. What will be the future of the Danube River
Delta? Priroda 1: 48–53 (in Russian).
Oksiyuk, O. P., L. A. Zhuravlev, A. V. Lyashenko, I. Kh. Bash-
makova, Yu. I. Karpezo & A. I. Ivanov. 1992. Water pollution
of the Danube River in the Ukraine: general indices. Gidrobi-
ologicheskiy Zhurnal 28: 3–11. (in Russian; English transla-
tion: Hydrobiol. J. 29:1–10(1993)).
Pringle, C., G. Vellidis, E Heliotis, D. Bandacu & S. Cristofor.

  1. Environmental problems of the Danube Delta. Amer.
    Strabo, 1853. Geographica. C. Muller & F. Dübner (ed.), Paris.
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    Dienste der bayrischen Fischerei, Landesfischereiverband

Travis, J. 1993. Invader threatens Black, Azov seas. Science 262:

Bemis, who also drew the map and figure.

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