51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

water pollution, especially, by pesticicles (Tchuprov

SSSR poIzueheniyu Yakutskoi Respubliki9:1-181 (in Rus-
Brandt, J.G.1869/1870. Einige Worte ber die curopisch-asiatis-
chen Strarten (Sturionides). Bull. Acad. Imper. Sci. St.-Peters-
bourg 14: 171–175.
Burmakin, E. V 1941. Some little commercial and noncommer-
cial fishes of the Gyda Bay system. Turdy Nauchno-lssledova-
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tion of the Siberian sturgeon in the Ob and Taz bays. pp. 270-
271.In: V. I. Lukyanenko (ed.) Stu rgeon Fishery in inland Wa-
ter Bodies of the USSR,Abstracts of Papers at the 2nd All-
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Dormidontov,A.S.1963.Fishery utilization of the Lena River
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Vadim Birstein, John Waldman and Robert Boyle
invited me to the International Conference on Stur-
geon Biodiversity and Conservation. I am thankful Chupretov, V. M. & V. A. Slepokurov. 1979. On winter distribu-
to Vadim Birstein and anonymous reviewers for
their editorial notes on the draft of the manuscript
and to William E. Bemis for drawing the map and

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