iningstomachs of copperfish,Coreius heterodom,
for the presence of sturgeon eggs (Deng & Xu 1991).
Hydrologicaldatawere provided bylocalmonitor-
ing stations.Catchesweredetermined fromour
census or bylocal fisheries managers. All datawere
analyzedusing SAS and MSA (Beijing University
reachto the mouth(Figure 1). It alsooccurs in the
WusulijiangRiver(alsoknown as the Ussuri Riv-
er), atributary to theAmurRiver, but it is now se-
verelydepleted in theSonghuajiangRiver(also
known as the SungariRiver). Thespecies consists
of a few distinctpopulations. Ingeneral,there is a
gradient ofincreasingmeantotallength(TL) and
bodyweight(BW) ofspawningstocksfrom the up-
per to the lowermiddle reaches(Table1).Males
firstspawn at age 7 to 8 years, atsizes ofabout 103
cm TL and 4 kg BW. First spawning for females oc-
curs at age 9 to 10years, atabout105 cmTL and6 kg
BW. Spawning individuals in the lower middle
reach are olderthanthose in theuppermiddle
reach. In the lower middle reach, 72.6% of fish were
between age 15 and 28years,whereas in the upper
middle reach, 75.3% of fish were between 13 and 24
years of age(Table 2). Theoldest individual was 45
years. The sexratioalso variedbetweenreaches,
with askewed sex ratio in thelowermiddle reach
(2.0:1,N=251).Between late May andearlyJune,
we examined gonads of 24fishaged 15 to 38 years.
The GSI of these specimens rangedfrom12.7% to
34.7%,averaging23.5 ±5.6%.Fecundity ranged
from 114 000 to 1 292 000 with mean of 385 000. The
number ofeggs pergram of bodyweightranged
from 31.0 to 64.4, with a mean of 44.6. Fecundity was
positivelycorrelatedwithtotal length andage.Ripe
eggsrangedfrom 3.0 to 3.5 mm in diameter.
Kaluga,Huso dauricus
The kaluga is a largefreshwatersturgeonfound
only in theAmurRiver.They tend to besolitary
and non-migratory.Fisheries existthroughout the
mainstream of the middle reach of the Amur River.
Kaluga ranged from 160 to 400 cm TL in the lower
middle reach. Fishbetween 200 and 320 cm TL ac-
Results and discussion
Amur River
The Amur River (also known as the Heilong Jiang)
arisesfrom the confluence of theShilkaand Argun
rivers. From there, it flows nearly 3000 km to its en-
try into the Sea of Okhotsk. Forabout onethird of
its length, theAmurRiver forms the border be-
tweenChina and Russia.Geographersdistinguish
threeportions of theAmurRiverusuallyreferred
to as upper,middle, andlowerAmur. Ourstudies
focus on the sturgeons of the middle Amur, a sec-
tion ofriverabout1005 kmlong,that wesubdivide
into upper andlower middle reaches (Figure l),
with theuppermiddle reach extending between the
towns ofHeihe andLuobei and thelower middle
reach extending from Zhaoxing to Qingdeli. Addi-
tionalinformationabout theAmur and its stur-
geons, particularly populations from the lower
reach andestuary of theAmurRiver, isgiven by
Krykhtin & Svirskii (1997 this volume). Two species
of sturgeons are native to the middle reach of the
Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii
The Amursturgeon ismostlyrestricted to the main
channel of theAmurRiverfrom theuppermiddle
Table 2. Age composition of spawning stock of Acipenser schrenckii in the middle reach of the Amur River.
H-L = upper middle reach from Heihe to Luobei: Z-Q = lower middle reach from Zhaoxing to Qingdeli: Nt = total number of samples;
Nm = number of males; Nf = number of females; and values = individuals.