51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

2000 Lu (1994)-description of †Protopsephurus
Zhou (1992)-redescription of †Peipiaosteus
Grande & Bemis (1991)-systematics of Polyodontidae
Gardiner & Schaeffer (1989) -reviewed paleoniscoid taxa
Gardiner (1984a,b)-fossil chondrosteans and interrelationships of Acipenseriformes
Yakovlev (1977)-acipenseriform evolution
Schaeffer (1973)-review of chondrostean systematics
Gardiner (1967)-classification of fossil and Recent chondrosteans
Liu & Zhou (I 965)-dcscribcd †Peipiaosteus
Vladykov & Greeley (1963) -reviewed Atlantic species of Acipenser
Wilimovsky (1956)-described †Protoscaphirhynchus
Neilsen (1949)-†Birgeriaand Polyodontidae
Berg (1948a,b)-reviewed Russian acipenscrids and acipenseriform evolution
MacAlpin (1941a)-described †Paleopsephurus
Aldinger (1931, 1937)-diphyly of Polyodontidae and Acipenseridae
Antoniu-Murgoci (1936a,b)-identified characters separatingHusoandAcipenser
Tatarko (1936)-anatomical studies of branchial arches of Acipenseridae
Sewertzoff (1925)-acipenserids as sister group of Osteichthyes




1900 Nikolskii (1900)-proposed genusPseudoscaphirhynchus

Woodward (1891, 1895a,b,c)-paleontology of †Chondrosteus,†Gyrosteus
Traquair (1877, 1887)-Acipenseriformes derived from paleoniscoids
Günther (1 873)-proposcd genusPsephurus
Kessler (1872)-describedAcipenser(=Pseudoscaphirhynchus)fedtschenkoi
Duméril (1870) -extensive splitting of Acipenser,not accepted
Brandt (1869)-elevation of subgenusHusonesto genusHuso
Egerton (1858)-anatomical description of †Chrondrosteus
Müller (1846)-proposed Chondrostei, Holostei, Telcostei: sturgeons are Osteichthyes
Bonaparte (1838)-proposed family name Polyodontidae
Heckel (1836)-proposed genusScaphiryhynchus
Fitzinger & Heckel (1836)-proposed subdivision ofAcipenser
Brandt & Ratzeberg (I 833) -proposcd subdivision of Acipenser



Rafinesque (1820)-describedAcipenser(=Scaphirhynchus)platorynchus

Lacepède (1797)-proposedPolyodon
Walbaum (1792)-describedSqualus(=Polyodon)spatula: i.e.,Polyodonoriginally
considered to be a shark

(^1775) Georgi (1775)-describedAcipenser(=Huso)huso
1750 Linnaeus (1758)-describedAcipenser sturio: sturgeons regarded as related to sharks
Figure 1. Selected events in the history of acipenseriform systematics since Linnaeus.

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