51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

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ticular drainages. This will require the utilization of
more hypervariable marker systems such as simple
sequence repeats (microsatellites).


We thank Rob Cann and Rejean Fortin for provid-
ing us with status data, Jim Brown for the generous
gift of Nelson River lake sturgeon mtDNA, and
many individuals for providing lake sturgeon tissue.
Louis Bernatchez, Michael Gatt, Blake Konkle, su-
san Lee, Michelle Malott, and Scot McKinley par-
ticipated in the genetic analysis and Jim Finnigan
produced the status maps. Neil Billington and an
anonymous referee read the manuscript and pro-
vided many helpful comments. The genetic re-
search was supported by funds from Ontario Hy-
dro, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Envi-
ronmental Youth Corps), and the Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We
thank Vadim Birstein, John Waldman, and the Hud-
son River Foundation for giving us the opportunity
to present this paper.


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