51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

tured Fish into existing populations should only be dangered shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum,inthe
Delaware estuary. Estuaries 5:203–208.
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sturgeon from the Connecticut River. Prog. Fish Cult. 43: 74-
Buckley, J. & R. Kynard 1985a. Yearly movements of shortnose
sturgeon in the Connecticut River. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 114:
Buckley,J.& B. Kynard. 1985b. Habitat use and behavior of pre-
spawning and spawning shortnose sturgeon.Acipenser brevi-
rostum, in the Connecticut River. pp. 111-117. In:F.P. Binkow-
ski & S.I. Doroshov (ed.) North American Sturgeons, Dr W.
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Carlson, D.M. & K.W. Simpson. 1987. Gut contents of juvenile
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1987: 796-802.
Chittenden, M.E. 1974. Trends in the abundance of American
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Collins, M.R. & T.I.J. Smith. 1996. Characteristics of the adult
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Dadswell, M.J. 1979. Biology and population characteristics of
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Buckley. 1984 Synopsis of biological data on shortnose stur-
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Hall, W.J.,T.I.J.Smith & S.D. Lamprecht 1991. Movements and
habitats of shortnose sturgeonAcipenser brevirostrumin the
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Hastings, R.W., J.C. O’Herron, K. Schick & M.A. Lazzari. 1987.
Occurrence and distribution of shortnosesturgeon,Acipenser
brevirostrum,in the upper- tidal Delaware River. Estuaries 10:
Jenkins, W.E., T. Smith. L. Heyward & D.M. Knott. 1993. Toler-
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used when wild populations are near extirpation
and anthropogenic impacts cannot be corrected be

stocking may temporarily increase adult abun-
dance, but it may alter the genetic basis of local ad-
aptations of the wild population, possibly resulting
in long-term reduction of individual fitness and de-

fore the population is extirpated. Enhancement

cline of the population (Waples 1991, Flemming 1994).


Thanks to Vadim J. Birstein John Waldman and
Robert Boyle for the invitation to attend the Inter-
national Conference on Sturgeon Biodiversity and
conservation. I thank members of the shortnose
Sturgeon Recovery Team (Mary Moser, Gordon

Doug Cooke of South Carolina for providing addi-
tional information, reviewing the manuscript, or
both. John Waldman, Matt Droud, Vadim J. Bir-

Rogers and Tom Squiers) and Mark Collins and

stein and William E. Bemis contributed editorial re- Dadswell, M.J., B.D. Taubert. T.S. Squiers. D, Marchette & J,
views and suggestions. Martin Horgan performed
statistical analyses.

Dovel,W.L., A.W. Pekovitch& T.J. Berggren. 1992. Biology of
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(Acipenser oxyrhynchus) and shortnose sturgeon (A. brevi-
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