per kg, respectively (Table 2). In GA, where there is
a directed gill net fishery focused on capture of roe
females, the ex-vessel average price was $10.37 per
kg during the same period.
A detailed analysis of the South Carolina fishery
was performed for 1977 to 1982 and the total value
of the caviar exceeded the total value of the flesh
(Smith et al. 1984). In SC, the ex-vessel price of pro-
cessed caviar was $66 per kg versus $2.42 per kg for
the dressed carcass in 1982. The current prices for
caviar in GA are about $121 per kg ex-vessel, $278
per kg wholesale, and $350 per kg retail (Bertha
Boone, Walters Caviar Co. personal communica-
tion). In New York, prices as high as $220 per kg
ex-vessel have been reported (Holloway 1994).
During 1993, ex-vessel dressed carcass (headless,
finless and gutted) price was about $5-7 per kg in
GA but after further processing and smoking in NY,
the product retailed for $33-40 per kg (Bertha
Boone, Walter’s Caviar Co., personal communica-
Until recently, management of Atlantic sturgeon
was the responsibility of the individual states and
other regional jurisdictional entities. This resulted
in a wide diversity of regulations involving licens-
ing, harvest size, fishing gear, seasons, and reporting
requirements (Smith 1985, Taub^5 ). In U.S. waters,
lack of uniform regulations is no longer a problem
but in Canadian waters, sturgeon fishery regula-
tions are different for the St. Lawrence and Saint
John Rivers (Table 3).
In 1990, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
Table 3. Management regulations for taking Atlantic sturgeon,Acipenser o. oxyrinchus ,in 1994. Harvesting of Gulf sturgeon,Acipenser
oxyrinchus desotoi,is prohibited.
Area Type of fishery Laws and regulations
St. Lawrence R. directed
St. John R. directed
United States
Maine closed landings prohibited
New Hampshire closed landings prohibited
Massachusetts closed landings prohibited
Rhode Island
New York directed and
amount of gill net limited by fishing zone; minimum gill net stretch mesh 17.5 cm; net owner
minimum fish length 122 cm TL; minimum gill net stretch mesh 33 cm; open season except
minimum fish size 213 cm TL, license required in freshwater
minimum fish size 213 cm TL; trawl license required; maximum of 3 fish per day per vessel
minimum fish size 152 cm TL; special sturgeon license required; open seasons: 15 May- 15
Jun in Hudson R. and marine district; 1 Oct-30 Nov in marine district; landed fish must be
tagged, reported, and biological data collected
minimum fish size 152 cm TL; special sturgeon license required; individual quotas; logbook
records; allow access to fish for collection of biological data
minimum fish size 213 cm TL; commercial finfish license required; maximum gill net stretch
mesh size 8.9 cm
minimum fish size 213 cm TL; commercial gill net license required
New Jersey directed and
Pennsylvania closed landings prohibited
Virginia closed landings prohibited
North Carolina closed landings prohibited
South Carolina closed landings prohibited
Florida closed landings prohibited
directed minimum fish size 213 cm TL; minimum gill net stretch mesh 30 cm; gill nets only; open
season 15 Feb-15 Apr, commercial saltwater fishing license required