51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

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We thank V. J.Birstein, J. R.Waldman, and R.
Boyle for theinvitation topresentthisprogram at
the sturgeonSymposium. Animportant part ofthis
work has beensupported by agrantContrat dePlan
Etat — Région Aquitane. we thank M. Trouvery, O.

theirparticipation inthis work andMaria Melin-

Rooryck, P.Jatteau, D.Mercier, and M. Pelard for

Castelnaud for her help with English. Special M28. 12 pp.
thanks to F. Chapman, B, R. Konkle P. Lorka, and F,
Parauka fortheircriticalreview of themanuscript.
The constructive comments and time of the review-
ers aregratefullyacknowledged.John R.Waldman,
V. J. Birstein. and W. E.Bemisedited the text. Wil-
liam E. Bemisprepared themaps andfigures.


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