51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

that is reduced by 7%,fromF= 0.37 toF= 0.345
(Table 2).
Eventhoughfishing may not be thereason for an
observed decline inabundance ofsturgeon and

is an effectivemeans ofoffsetting the effects on re-
productivepotentialcaused byother,oftenuncon-
trollable mortalitysources,Restrictingfishing mor-


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Cochnauer,T.G..J.R.Lukens &F. E Partridge.1985.Status of
white sturgeon. Acipenser transmontanus, in Idaho. pp. 127–
133.In:E.P.Binkowski &S.I.Doroshov (ed.)NorthAmerican
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Dadswell, M.J.,B.D.Taubert.T.S.Squiers, D.Marchette & J.
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Washington. DC. 45 pp.
DeVore,J.D.,B.W.James. C.A.Tracy &D.A.Hale.1996. Dy-
namics andpotentialproduction of whitesturgeon in the un-
impoundedlowerColumbia River.Trans.Amer.Fish. Soc. (in

Folz, D.J. & L.S. Meyers. 1985. Management of the lake sturgeon,
Acipenserfulvescens,population inthe LakeWinnehago sys-
tem.Wisconsin. pp.135–146.In:F.P. Binkowski &S.I. Dorosh-
ov (ed.) North American Sturgeons, Dr W, Junk Publishers,
Goodyear, C.P.1988.Implications ofpowerplantmortality for
management of theHudsonRiverstriped bassfishery.Amer.
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Goodyear,C.P.1993.Spawningstockbiomass per recruit in fish-
eriesmanagement: foundation and current use pp.67–81.In:
S.J.Smith,J.J.Hunt & D.Rivard(ed.)RiskEvaluation and
BiologicalReferencePoints forFisheriesManagement,Can.
Spec. Publ. Fish.Aquat.Sci.120.
Kallemeyn, L.1983.Status o ft h epallidsturgeon.Fisheries (Be-

Keelyne,K.D. &L.G.Jenkins.1993. Age atsexualmaturity of

Mason, W.T.. Jr. & J.P. Clugston. 1993. Foods of the Gulf stur-

tality may be the onlytoolavailable tomanagers for
restoringdepleted populations. At aminimum, re-
ducing fishingpressure onlong-lived species allows
managerstime todetect and correct the truecauses
of populationdecline. This strategy is currently be-
ing employed to rebuild thepopulation ofwhite
sturgeon in the lower Columbia River (Columbia
River ManagementJointStaff'). The strategy was
alsoadopted by the Atlantic StatesMarineFisher-
ies Commission in the early1980s torestore the de-

Symp. 14: 39–45.

pleted coastal migratory stock of striped bass
(ASMFC^6 ) which is nowproducing yearclasses at
recordlevels(DonaldCosden personalcommun-


Specialthanks go to the people who sharedtheir
informationduring thepreparation of the manu-
script, especially A. Kahnle, K. Hattala, J. Clugston,

D. Keenlyne, and J. Waldman, toBradMcGowan

V. Birstein, J. DeVore,T. Cochnauer, P. B. Moyle, K.

for providing valuableassistance in locatingrefer- press).
ences. and to John DeVore and an anonynmous re-
viewer forcriticallyreviewing thepaper.

(^5) ColumbiaRiver ManagementJointStaff.1993.Status report:
Columbia Riverfishrunsandfisheries 1938–1992.Prepared for
Oregon DepartmentofFish and Wildlife andWashington De-
partment ofFisheries. 257 pp.
Amendment 4tothe AtlanticStates MarineFishcriesCommis-
sioninterstate stripedbassmanagementplan. ASMFC,Wash-
ington, DC. 60 pp.
(^6) ASMFC(Atlantic StatesMarineFisheriesCommission).1989. thesda) 8:3–9.
the pallidsturgeon.Trans.AmerFish.Soc.122:393–396.

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