macroinvertebrate faunas, andobstruction ofupstreammigratoryroutes formigratoryspecies. Thelatterconstraintseverelylimits
available spawningareas for the Alabama sturgeon;irregularflowregimes andflood/navigationalcontrols eliminatenaturalsignals to
initiate spawning runs; and increased siltation andloss ofstable substrateresult in theloss offood sources andhabitat appropriate for
spawnedeggs(current andclean surfaces).Macroinvertebrates found in thesturgeon’s diet are adversely impacted by the highersilt
deposits occurring overstable substrates in low current areas, aconsequencethatwillhave an indirect, yet adverse impact on thesurvival
of this sturgeon species. Conservation action: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed this species for endangered status with critical
habitat on 15 June 1993 (FederalRegister1993). On 21June 1994 (FederalRegister1994a), the Servicepostponedlisting for sixmonths to
provideaddditionaltime toassess theconservationstatus of thespeciesthroughsampling.Duringthis sixmonth period nospecimens of
the sturgeonwerecaptured.Consequently, thelistingproposal waswithdrawn by theService on 15December 1994 (FederalRegister
1994b) due to ‘insufficientinformation tojustify listing aspeciesthat may nolongerexist’. On 2December1993, lessthan oneyearbefore
either the postponement orwithdrawal of thelisting, amaturemale specimen ofS. suttkusiwas captured from the AlabamaRiver. In
April and May1995 andApril1996,threeadditional specimens were discovered in theAlabama River.Currently, theAlabama sturgeon
receives noprotection and is notunderofficialconsideration by the Service.Conservation recommendation:There can belittledoubt
that theimperilment of the many sturgeonspecies worldwide is adirect result of thegrosschangesthathave occurred in theirnatural
habitats due tomodifications ofriverchannels and waterflowpatterns. The current predicament of the Alabamasturgeon is no excep-
tion. The protection andrecovery ofthissturgeonspecies, andothers,will be achallenge, but onethat can beaccomplishedthrough
concerted and novel efforts. An effective recoveryplan for theAlabama sturgeonmostminimallyincludes efforts to (1) increaseappro-
priatespawning habitats, (2) increaseaccess toupstream and downstreamriverstretchesacrossdams, (3)establish minimumflow
regimes, and (4)decreasesiltloads. As observed forsome populations ofshovelnosesturgeon(Cross1967), theinitiation of spawning
activity of theAlabama sturgeon may betriggered by high-water conditions in the Spring. Shouldthis be thecase, aneffectiverecovery
program for theAlabamasturgeon must address the need forbothirregular andhighwaterflow in anddownstream ofspawningareas for
this species. Criticalhabitatmust be designated toassist insecuring the species’future. Tocompile additionalbiologicalinformation on
thisspecies, additional specimensneed to be captured,radio-tagged, released and followed through telemetry studies.Finally,adults
should becaptured for a propagational program, as has beendeveloped for theendangeredpallidsturgeon,S. albus,in the MissouriRiver
drainage.Remarks:The listing of this species has been charged with abundant political and industrial opposition, actions due to potential
environmental regulationsthat may beplaced on existinghydroelectricdams andindustrial users of the largeriversinhabited by this
Burke,J.S. &J.S.Ramsey.1995.Present andrecent historichabitat of the Alabama sturgeon,ScaphirhynchussuttkusiWilliams and
Cross,F.B.1967.Handbook offishes ofKansas.Misc.Publ.Mus.Nat.Hist.,University of Kansas, Lawrence. 357 pp.
Federal Register. 1993. Proposed endangered status and designation of critical habitat for the Alabama sturgeon (Scaphirynchus sutt-
FederalRegister.1994a.Extension of thefinaldecision to list theMobile River Systempopulation of the Alabama sturgeon as an
FederalRegister.1994b.Withdraw of proposedrule for endangered status andcriticalhabitat for the Alabama sturgeon.Vol. 59, No. 240
Mayden,R.L. &B.R.Kuhajda.1996.Systematics, taxonomy, and conservationstatus of the endangered Alabama sturgeon,Scaphir-
Ramsey,J.S.1976.Freshwaterfishes. pp. 53-65.In: H.T. Boschung(ed.) Endangered and ThreatenedPlants and Animals ofAlabama,
Ramsey,J.S.1986.Alabamashovelnosesturgeon. pp. 18-19.In: R.H.Mount(ed.)VertebrateAnimals ofAlabama inNeed of Special
US. Commission of Fish &Fisheries.1898. Statistics of thefisheries of theinteriorwaters of theUnited States. A report to the55th
US. Fish & Wildlife Service. 1994.Mobile River Basinecosystemrecoveryplan. Unpubl.technical/agencydraft.Jackson,Mississippi. 128
Williams,J.D. &G.H.Clemmer.1991.Scaphirynchussuttkusi,a new sturgeon from theMobile Basin ofAlabama andMississippi.Bull.
Clemmer, in the Mobile Basin. Bull.AlabamaMus.Nat.Hist. 17:17–24.
kusi).Vol. 58, No. 113 (15June1993): 33148–33154.
endangeredspecieswith criticalhabitat.Vol. 59, No. 118 (21June1994): 31970–31974.
(15 December1994): 64784 - 64809.
hynchussuttkusiWilliams andClemmer (Actinopterygii,Acipenseridae).Copeia1996:241–273.
Bull.AlabamaMus. Nat. Hist. 2.
Attention,AlabamaAgriculturalExperimental Station, AuburnUniversity,Auburn.
Congress,House of Representatives: 489-497,531-533.
AlabamaMus.Nat.Hist. 10:17–31.