51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

Table 1. Threatened status of acipenseriforms

Species English name Distribution Status (national listing or latest IUCN listing CITES
studies) 1996
1991 1996^2
Status^1 References

Acipenser baerii Siberian sturgeon Main Siberian rivers VUU
A. baerii baerii Siberian sturgeon Ob River basin EN Ruban 1996, 1997 EN
A. baeri stenorrhynchus Lena River Basins of the East Siberian rivers VU Ruban I 997 VU
sturgeon Yenisey, Lena, Indigirka, Kolyma,
and Anadyr
A. baerii baicalensis Baikal sturgeon Lake Baikal (Siberia) VU RSFSR Red Data EN
Book 1983, Pavlov
et al. 1985, 1994
A.brevirostrum^3 Shortnose River, estuaries and ocean along T (Canada & USFWS1967, VU (Canada VU Appendix I
sturgeon east coast of North America from USA) Williams et al. & USA)
Indian River (Florida) 10 Saint
John River (New Drunswick)

1989, Manci 1993
V (Canada) Campbell 1991
A. dabryanus Yangtze or Yangtze River system EN (category Wei et al 1997 CR
Dabry’s sturgeon 1 of state
A.fulvescens lake sturgeon Great Lakes and lakes of T (Canada & Williams et al VU (Canada VU
southern Canada USA) 1989 Manci 1993 & USA)
rivers entering into them
Caspian Sea population H Khodorevskaya et EN

A. gueldenstaedtii Russian sturgeon Black, Azov, Caspian seas and VU Lelek 1987 EN

al. 1997
Black Sea population EX
Danube River population, EN Guti 1995
Danube River population. VU Banarescu∨∨ 1995
Dnepr River population (Black EN Gringevsky 1994
Sea of Azov population VU. H Volovik et al 1993 EN
from Aleutian Islands and Gulf of
Alaska to Ensenada, Mexico

A. medirostris Green sturgeon Pacific coast of North America V (Canada) Campbell 1991 VU

T(USA) Moyle et al 1994
A. milkadoi Sakhalin sturgeon Pacific Ocean from Amur River EN USSR Red Data EN
to northern Japan, Korea. and Book 1984 Pavlov
Bering Sea, Tummin (Datta) River et al. 1994
A. naccarii Adriatic sturgeon Adriatic Sea, Po and Adige Rivers VU Lelek 1987 VU
A. nudiventris Ship sturgeon Aral Caspian. Black seas and EN
rivers entering into them
Caspian Sea and rivers entering EN Pavlov et al 1985 EN
into it Lelek 1987
H Sokolov & Vasiley
Black Sea and rivers entering EN Pavlov et al. 1985. EN
into them (Russia, Ukraine) 1994

H Sokolov & Vasiley
Danube River population CR
Danube River population, EN Guti 1995
H un gar y
Aral Sea (Central Asia) EX Zholdasova 1997 EX

Danube River populalion, EX Banarescu∨∨ 1995
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