Sturgeons of the Danube River and one of their hybrids: a-Acipenser ruthenus43 cm TL from the Fish Culture Research Institute,
Szarvas, Hungary; b-a largeA. ruthenus76 cm TL from an old collection at the Grigore Antipa Natural HistoryMuseum,Bucharest,
Romania; c-dorsal view of an early juvenileHusohuso 23 cmTLfrom Royal Ontario Museum collection; d-aF 2 bester (= beluga ×
sterlet) 69 cm TL, a cross of F 1 A. ruthenus×H. husofrom the captive breeding at Propa-Gen International (Aquaculture Production
R & D and Trading)’, Komadi, Hungary. Originals by Paul Vecsei, 1996.