51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1
tapers ventrally inHusoand all speciesAcipenser
examined (Figure 11b, c) to a ventral position form-
ing a flat edge in scaphirhynchines (Figure 11d;
Character 50). The ventral end is cartilaginous, but
the ossified core reflects the wedge by posterior
flaring and thinning of the perichondral center.
The hyomandibula ofPsephurusis slender, with
a ventral head tapering with a continuously curved
posterior edge (Figure 11a). The ossified center of
Psephurus and †Crossopholis expands ventrally
(Grande & Bemis 1991), but not as sharply as in aci-
penserids and with a rounded posterior edge. The
hyomandibula of †Paleopsephurus is incomplete
and not well known (Grande & Bemis 1991, MacAl-
pin 1947).Theossified cores of †Chondrosteus(Tra-

interpretation on shape or composition is made
No palatal complex is present in other extant aci-
penseriforms or actinopterygians, but as a cartilagi-
nous character its presence or absence is unknown
in †Chondrosteusor †Peipiaosteus.

Character 19.Posteroventraledge of hyomandibula
forms a wedge–Acipenseridae

The hyomandibulae of all acipenserids examined
are expanded posteriorly to form a posterior wedge
in the ventral cartilaginous head (Figure 11).Posi-
tion of thewedgevaries from a dorsal position that

Figure 11.Hypomanbibula ofPsephurusand respresentatives of three genera of Acipenscridae: The hyomandibula is shown in lateral view
in all taxa and also inanterior view in Acipenser(c) and Scaphirhynchus(d). The hyomandibula of Psephurus(a) possesses a convex
posterior edge, but is expanded posteriorlyinall acipenserids examined (heavy arrow in b, c, d; Character 19).Theposterior wedge is
dorsal inHuso(b) andAcipenser(c), but ventral in scaphirhynchines (hollow arrow; Character 50). Also, the dorsal tip is board inHuso
andAcipenser,but thin in scaphirhynchines (thin arrows; Character 49).
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