Scarcity and surfeit : the ecology of Africa's conflicts

(Michael S) #1

Conflict and Coffee in Burundi


The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of Elvin Nyukuri. Rene
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F Ngmko & J D Nkurunziza, An economic interpretation of conflict in Burundi,
Journal of African economies, vol 9, no 3, 2000: R Lemarchand, Panems of state
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Lakes, Paper prepared for XVlIth World Congress of the International Political
Science Association, Seoul, 1997: P Uvin, Ethnicity and power in Burundi and
Rwanda; Different paths to mass violence, Comparative Politics, vol31, no 3, 1999.
H Laswell, Politics: Who gets what, when and how ..., 1936.
J Herbst, Economic incentives, natural resources and conflict in Africa, Journal
of Afncan Economics, vol 9, no 3, 2000
tbid, p 287
M Duffield, Network war and the regulation of global resources, Centre for
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P Collier & A Hoeffler, Greed and grievance in civil war, World Bank Policy
Research Working Paper, no 2355,2000.
P Collier, Economic causes of civil conflict and their implications for policy, World
Bank, Washington, DC, 2000.
Ibid, p 9f
M Berdal & D M Malone (eds), Greed and grievance: Economic agenda in civil
war, Lynne Riener, Boulder, CO, 2000,
J Fairhead, The conflict over natural and environmental resources. The econom-
ic causes of complex humanitarian emergencies, E W Naffziger. F Stewart & R
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Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000; N Tivose. Introduction: What is
Greenwar?. 0 Bennet fed) Greenwar: Environment and conflict, Panos. London.
Ibid, p 8
T Homer-Dixon, Environment, Scarcity and Violence, Princeton University Pms.
Princeton. 1999.
Fairhead, op cit, p 2
Ibid, p 2
Uvin, op cit. This is particularly me for Buntndian actors involved in the conflict
when they attempt historical explanations of the conflict. See for example posi-
tion papers of political groups party lo the Arusha peace negotiations. Committee
I1 "The nature of the conflict: Genocide and exclusion".
D Horowitz, A Democratic South Africa? Constitutional Enginemins in a Divided
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A Mafaje, Kingdoms of the Great Lokes region: Ethnography of African social for-
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19 Mafaje, op cit.

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