316 Scarcity and surfeit
125 WWDSE, op cit.
126 Nicol et al, op cit.
127 Said, op cit.
128 Fox, op Cit.
129 Fran~ois Piguet, Field Officer, UN-Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
interviewed in July 2001; and Assegid, op cit.
130 Jacobs, op cit.
131 Piguet, op cit.
132 Ashmelash Wolde-Mariam, Reproductive and Health Officer for CARE in Awash,
Afar interviewed in July 2001.
133 Gebre, op cit, p 6.
134 Assegid, op cit.
135 Wolde-Mariam, op cit.
136 Almaz Tadesse Kebede, Botanist, Ethiopian Wildlife Organisation, Questionnaire
filled out in September 2001.
137 Davies, op cit.
138 Sims, op cit; and Wolde-Mariam, op cit.
139 Nicol et al, op cit, p 28.
140 Mariam, 1997, op cit.
141 Nicol et al, op cit, p 16.
142 lbid.
143 Arsano, op cit.
144 Mariam, op cit.
145 Wolde-Mariam, op cit.
146 Alem Hadera Abay, previously nutritionist for UNICEF working in Somali region,
Questionnaire received May 2001; and G Negash, Intermanage between conflict-
ing groups: The case of the Arsi-Oromo and the Sidama, Abstract of paper pre-
sented at the Second Annual Workshop, Theme: 'Conflict in the Horn: Prevention
and Resolution", 8-9 June 2001.
147 Wolde-Mariam, op cit.
148 Abdi Da'ad Ebrahim, Filtu Project Manager, Pastoralist Concern Association for
Ethiopia (PCAE) interviewed in Addis Ababa in May 2001.
149 Davies, op cit.
150 D Aredo & A Ame, The Root Causes of Conflict Among the Southern Pastoral
Communities of Ethiopia: A Case Study of the Borana and Degodia, Abstract of
paper presented at the Second Annual Workshop, Theme: 'Conflict in the Horn:
Prevention and Resolution", 8-9 June 2001, p 12.
151 Assegid, op cit; and K Tafene & M Haile, Indigenous Institutions of Conflict
Resolution Among the Ab'ala Afar of Northeastern Ethiopia, Abstract of paper
presented at the Second Annual Workshop, Theme: 'Conflict in the Horn:
Prevention and Resolution", 8-9 June 2001.
152 Ebrahim, op cit.
153 Nicol et al, op cit.
154 Bryden, 1996, op cit.
155 Bonn International Centre for Conversion Website 2001, p 3.
156 Arsano, op cit.