(Darren Dugan) #1

Podeeski-Shall she fallen down?
Podeetena-A woman who gone down
Podeethi-Po’dee’thi - If necessary fallen down
Podeette-Po’deet’te - Fallen down, Yes, gone-down, One woman who fallen down
Poden-He is not falled down
Podengi-Podengi? Shall he did’nt fallen down?
Podes-Went down, He falled down
Podesi-He falled down
Podessaa-Podes’saa - Look, he fallen.. and
Podessaile-podes’saile - Look, he/she fallen down and
Podete-Fallen down, Yes, gone-down, One man who fallen down
Podetena-A man who gone down
Podeth-If went down
Podethnug-If you fall down other foot then after also they wont...
podeththe-A person or something which fallen “ Podeth’the kon? - Who is fallen
Podetina-A woman who gone down
Podette-Just now gone down
Podi hoyeth-Going down is completed
Podi hoyeth-If going down is completed
Podi-Fallen, Gone-down
Podiaav-Podi’aav - Fall and come..
Podi-gidi-Fallen and..
Podigin-Fallen, Gone-down
Podi-huteth-If Fallen and waked up.. then...
Podi-huut-Fall and wake
Podi-jaa-Fall and go
Podijaa-Fall and go..
Podilde-Continue to go down, Go down completely
Podildis-He/she/it fallen itself
Podi-podi-Fallen and fallen
Podi-rhano-Fallen and dont wake
Podi-rhiyeth-If fallen continuely,
Podi-saa-Fall and see the reaction
Podi-sano-I want to fall, I want to experience of falling down, I am willing to
experience of falling down
Podi-see-Fall and the let yourself know about pain
Podiseile-Podi-seile - Experience the falling down, by faling yourself
Podiseth-Experience of falling, If you fall then only you know...
Podithi-If necessary, then fall and complete the desire or action
Podle-Go down yourself, Fall yourself

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