@ª LôÄ úLdLô£S.# We ate yesterday. in advance.
ùRôe¡^3 úNSj, úL^2 d¡¬v. # When I saw her, She completed eating.
¾^3 §^4 Ï^3 úPô^3 v ̧^2 ¬v. # She ate two dosas only.
ºRô Tsù[ô Lô^2 u ùaô]¡^3 ]? # You need not to ate Custered-apple.
ûL Lô^3 ÞeùLô^3 ; ùRà úL^2 dùLôWôv # Don't blame; they are eating.
Úf£ ¿:? úR ª ̧^2 § ùNôSqv! # Not tasty? give me; I taste it.
ùL^2 jùR ̈gú_ôuùaô]. # Don't sleep immediately after lunch.
LfN Ye¡^3 ùU² L[]ô úL^2 v ùNSnùX... Rô^3 j ×f£ ́v. # Unknownly I ate fresh brinajal.
so all the teeth are affected by cavity.
T^4 ¡^3 ¬ ̧^2 NôS # Taste the Bhagiri.
úTôÓm ûL ¿: ùWôqYùV úL^2 Õuàd^3 ToYôu¿: # Because of empty stomach; better to
eat something.
@jR Lô^2 ]ùVÕuàd^3 ToYôu¿: Lô^3 Ød _ù]ô # No problem if not having food; Now
to reach the destination station.
úL^4 o Ë úL^2 dLôq # Go home for eat; and return back.
úY[ ùaôúVj Lô^2 ]ô @qùP^3 # If having delay to eat, return back.
@qNSÚm ̧^2 #Lô^2 ]ô R^4 úUôùWv. # He is in hurry, so he is not ate full.
§] ̧^2 ̧^2 R^3 sùLô ùTôs¥^3 ojùR. # She goes on eat and become fat.
ùRàu U:P L^2 R[ôu. # They all are gobblers. (More eaters)
ª IiPôs ¾, Áh ¿:Sô, ̧ NSùSô.. # I want to eat without salt even a single time.
LuÏ^3 ùXô ̧^2 úNSj¡ NSe¡^3 .# Taste the food and tell about it.
̈jùR ÑSdúL §^4 Ï^3 ùPô^3 ̧^2 úNSj L[ôn! # If you eat dry dosa daily, then only know the
Nôo éh úL^2 j¡¾ ù_ôqv¡Vô?! # Shall I eat four mouthfull and go?!
1 Ã 55 ùXkÕd^3 ¾^3 ùW NôShXôu TR^3 #Th¥ùL^3 DRôWQ YôdVØu úaôo úNS. úaôo ¾^3 ùW TR^3
DRô^3 WÔu ùR^2 q-, ùYÏ^3 [ ¡¬Vô#TR^3 Øu L^2 s° ùN[WôxhWô#Be¡^3 Äx YôdVØu -d¡ NSùYô.
-dúLj, ÕmùLô Be¡^3 Äx Tô^4 `ô YjúRôjùLô @l^3 Vôv ùNôdLh^3 @Yn.