European Drawings 2: Catalogue of the Collections

(Marcin) #1

BIBLIOGRAPHY: E. A. Sayre, Goya and the Spirit of En-
lightenment, exh. cat. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
1989), pp. cxv-cxvi.

Sayre has dated this sheet to circa 1816-18.

144 Pygmalion and Galatea

EXHIBITIONS: Goya and the Spirit of Enlightenment, Mu-
seum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Metropolitan Museum
of Art, New York, January-July 1989, no. 153 (catalogue
entry by E. A. Sayre).


146 Satan Exulting over Eve

EXHIBITIONS: William Blake, National Museum of
Western Art, Tokyo, September-November 1990, no.
26 (catalogue entry by G. Schiff).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: M. Butlin, William Blake: A Complete
Catalogue of the Works in the Tate Gallery (London, 1971),
p. 34; D. V. Erdman, éd., The Notebooks of William Blake:
A Photographic and Typographic Facsimile (Oxford, 1973),
no pagination; R. Todd, "The Techniques of William
Blake's Illuminated Printing," in R. Essick, éd., The Vi-

sionary Hand: Essay s for the Study of William Blake's Art and
Aesthetics (Los Angeles, 1973), p. 37, n. 2; A. Kostelanetz
Mellor, Blake's Human Form Divine (Berkeley, 1974), p.
150; D. Bindman, Blake as an Artist (Oxford and New
York, 1977), pp. 98-100; J. La Belle, "Michelangelo's
Sistine Frescoes and Blake's 1795 Color-Printed Draw-
ings: A Study in Structural Relationships," Blake: An Il-
lustrated Quarterly 14, no. 2 (Fall 1980), pp. 71-72; M.
Butlin, "The Physicality of William Blake: The Large
Color Prints of '1795,' " Huntington Library Quarterly 52
(Winter 1989), pp. 7-8, 11, 15; D. W. Lindsay, "The Or-
der of Blake's Large Color Prints," Huntington Library
Quarterly 52 (Winter 1989), pp. 19-41.

148 Box-Lobby Loungers
84.GG.Ó4 5

EXHIBITIONS: Rowlandson Centenary Exhibition, Tate
Gallery, London, December 1927-March 1928; The Art
of Thomas Rowlandson, Frick Collection, New York;
Frick Art Museum, Pittsburgh; and Baltimore Museum
of Art, February-August 1990, no. 21 (catalogue by J.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: R. H. Wilenski, English Painting (Lon-
don, 1933), p. 173.

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