Mohammedanism".- 1946.
PERSONALITIES." Encyclopedia
Britannica, 11th Edition
Islam and the light of Knowledge.
Allah decreed that the last and final messenger would be an illiterate, among an
illiterate nation most of whom could neither read nor write.
In this society were ignorance and darkness were prevalent, emerged a nation of
scholars and jurists and leaders in al of the branches of science, from medicine to
geology to geography.
Why should this not be the case when the first revelation was:
‘Read!’ [The Clot 1]
this confirms the status of Islam as the religion of advancement and civilization, for
the betterment of ones self and ones society.
Any command to the prophet is a command to all the believers.
The revelation would subsequently contain some of precise scientific miracles that
were not known by any human being over a hundred years ago let alone fourteen
hundred years. Miracle that were discovered only after the advancement of modern
technology, that it might bear witness to the truth of the prophet hood of
Muhammad (pbuh) and raising the plight of human endeavour.
It has been noted that the Arab didn’t know knowledge orcivilization except after
their acceptance of Islam.