desires apart from blameworthy ones satisfying their desires like animals satisfy
And the science of measuring rates of birth and deaths has been a slap in the face of
every ignoramus. As they discovered that the numbers of female births far outstrip
births of their male counterparts, proving the verse in the Quran :
“(This is) a Book, the Verses whereof are perfected (in every sphere of knowledge,
etc.), and then explained in detail from One (Allah), Who is All-Wise and Well-
Acquainted (with all things).” [Quran Chapter 11Verse 1]
2- That women are normally reliant, it is with this in mind that in Islam a man is
charged with the responsibility of clothing feeding and housing his wife, this is in
addition to her right to a dowry and it is upon him to fulfill all of her needs. This is
all to respect women, in contrast to what we see to day with many men fulfilling
completely the rights of their wives because of poverty.
Therefore the reliance of a women to her husband is less then the reliance of a man
to his wife, as she will not face poverty as he is likely to feel it because of his under
taking of marriage.
If a man was to then limit himself to one wife it would mean the increase in the
numbers of reliant women who do not have anyone tending to their needs, and
would cause great social upheaval and to the spreading of indecent acts between
humans. And this is evident in the Christian and Jewish traditions, even to the point
where they do illicit thing in the various festivities.
3- Perhaps you find some men blessed with both extraordinary physical strength as
well as above average financial wealth, and like we alluded to earlier; Islam did not
come to eradicate the desires of man and the natural instinct that he was created
with, but rather it came to guide and direct it to what is right according to what
Allah Almighty revealed and was pleased with for his slaves.
Rather Allah Almighty legislated that for men who are like this, that they are
allowed to take up to four wives, especially as there are periods where women
menstruate or like the postpartum bleeding after childbirth where he cannot
approach her sexually. So not only is it a mercy for the man but it is easier on his
wife who may be his only wife and be unable to fulfill all of his needs.
5- There are men who for whatever reason travel between countries for long or
short periods of time. It may not always be possible or feasible to accompany his
wife on these journeys especially if he has children, so it was from the mercy of
Allah that he allowed for such a man that he take more then one wife so that he can
protect his name and honor and not fall into that which Allah prohibited. Especially
if the country he is visiting is one where sexual vices are prevalent, where the moral
fabric of the people is weaker and they may not even believe in a God.
Of course this is also not without conditions;