(WallPaper) #1
The loss of authenticity, the untrustworthiness and

the Jewish scripture.

It has already been alluded to in the previous points that the book that was once
revealed by God to Moses (pbuh) has undergone major alterations deletions and
subtractions aswell as additions according to the interests and desires of the Jews.

This means that theTorah that is in the hands of the Jews is unrecognisable
compared to what God revealed. The following are some points to demonstrate this.

  • An adulterated creed and belief regarding God Himself and His attributes and
    actions, and the blatant slander of Him

  • The vile accusations against the prophets of God like the accusation that
    Aaron (pbuh) built a temple for the Calf and ordered the Israelites to
    worship it. [Exodus Chapter 132]

  • The accusation that Solomon (pbuh) was an apostate and worshiped idols
    and built temples for those idols. Likewise they have accused God of being
    ignorant when he selected these prophets as it shows he didn’t know what
    they would succumb to and was unaware of the world of the unseen.

  • Their disbelief in many of the prophets sent to them and they attempts some
    successful at plotting against these prophets and in many cases killing them.

  • The Jews mass slaughter, pillaging and genocide of non-Jews or in their terms
    gentiles and this is mentioned in the stories of the prophets and their
    various openings of countries and victories over their enemies, it is no
    surprise that we find there being no differentiation between the old and the
    young nor women or men during these mass merciless killing.This is a result
    of their racism that they consider themselves to be the chosen and superior
    race and above all other people.

  • They call to stories dedicated to tales of fornication, orgies, rape and other
    indecencies none more shocking then incestuous relations. Stories that have
    no other purpose but to incite desire and arouse the reader of them.

In addition to the above-mentioned points the loss of the credibility of the
Torah can be made from a number of angles:

1) The absence of any reliable connected chain of narration for the entire book,
especially the several sections that it is divided into.

It is a necessary condition of any book that is revealed that it is credible and that it is
verifiable i.e. that it was revealed to a particular prophet who then recited it to so
and so and it was then taken by so and so thereafter.

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