(WallPaper) #1

A brief explanation of the meaning.

“ what are you preparing for the hereafter?

You the Children of Israel were saved from a great tribulation at the hands of the
Pharaoh and that Egypt will be their place of imprisonment, in an ancient city called
Menef. As for the passage where the prophet’s name is mentioned then the meaning
is as follows: that Muhammad for their wealth, that Muhammad will manner them in
their financial affairs.

And this indeed did take place when he sent the Jews of Banu Nadheer to the
Heights of Syria and to Khyber.

The Indication:

The passage where the name of the prophet Muhammad is mentioned, is
independent of the verses around it, and cannot be regarded as anything but a
proper noun.

It is also noteworthy that the text remained unchanged for more than a thousand
years and remained without any diacritical markings, then eventually when they
added these markings some were accurate and others not so.

It should be noted that the word “Muhamadeem”is also reported in the Torah and
the suffix ‘eem’ is indicative of virtue and honour.

It is also in The Old Testament the following passage:

"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will
put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command
him." Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18

This text is from the absolute truths that indicate that this prophet foretold would
not emerge from the Children of Israel but rather from the brethren of the Israelite
they are namely the Ishmaelite.

Feasibly their brethren could only be either the Arabs or the Romans.

The Arabs they are the offspring of Ishmael and he is the brother of Isaac and they
are the children of Jacob.

The Romans are the Children of Ees and no prophet emerged from the Romans
except Job (pbuh), who was sent before Moses (pbuh).

That leaves only one option that this prophet would emerge therefore from the
Children of Ishmael.

The claim by some Christians that the prophet being referred to here is Christ is also
not correct as will be made clear.

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