(WallPaper) #1

And the examples are many where they the Christians attribute derogatory things to
God, and anyone with an objective eye and with any intelligence would notice that
this is something unacceptable for God Almighty.

  • From among some of these incredulous claims is that much like a human God
    slept and arose from His slumber, in the Psalms 65: 78

Exalted is Allah from their attribution to Him Almighty.

  • They also say that God breathes out fire from His nose, as is found in Samuel
    II 22 and Numbers 2 and in Isaiah 30:33

“The breath of the LORD, like a stream of sulfur, kindles it.”

There is no doubt that fire is destructive and damaging unlike light which shines and
exalted is Allah from what they attribute to Him.

-It is also said that God ordered the killing of the Amalekites, Samuel I 15:3 Now go
and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but
slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Likewise in Numbers 31:17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has
slept with a man.

And the similitudes of these are many, examples of barbaric pillaging of people
unbefitting to be described as what God commanded.

Exalted is Allah from their attribution to Him Almighty.

  • Similarly, they also claim that God whistles As is mentioned in Zachariah 10:8

“I will whistle for them and gather them in, for I have redeemed them, and they shall
be as many as they were before.”

  • likewise they say that God also claps with His hands as mentioned in Ezekiel
    and Numbers 71

Exalted is Allah from their attribution to Him Almighty.

They also claim that God has private parts in some of their descriptions of Him and
that he had blood like in passage 28 Chapter 20 from Acts.

They claim for God a head, a face, hair, ears, eyes a torso a heart and a back.

Exalted is Allah from their attribution to Him Almighty.

And there are endless examples of these slanders against God that the Christians are
guilty of that the tongue feels shy to make mention of especially when your
attributing these limited things to Allah.

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