(WallPaper) #1

As has already been alluded to and refuted, in order to emphasize the point one
should understand that by attributing a son to God one is belittling the nature of
that God. If one is not careful he can be deluded by his brain in to one of many
theories pertaining to the world and the creator of it, like the Greeks and the Idol
worshippers of old did.

If one gave us the option to choose from one of the two propositions :

a) that God is always correct

b) that God is correct sometimes and mistaken others.

We would of course all say that he is the former always correct, and not attribute to
God any detracting quality.

Likewise happiness, regret, anxiety.

As God is the creator of the Paradise and the Hell and enters therein whom He likes
he enters all those who obey him into the Paradise and is pleased with them, and
enters all those who anger Him into the Hell.

Similarly should we say God is:

a) powerful as well as being merciful

b) or weak as well as being powerful.

The former is in agreement with the pure natural disposition of a human when he
thinks of his Lord.

It is therefore not befitting to attribute to God any attribute that detracts from his
majesty, like any act that is humiliating for example.

It should also be noted that anyone with a sound mind and rationale will reject the
idea that that All Powerful lord would need to create another God in order to then
sacrifice him for the sake of the sins of humankind. The proposition is preposterous.

If one looks to the basic human needs,like food, drink and clothing then one finds
that these are also inapplicable to God and these are not attributable to Him.

It was indeed God who created man limiting him in his place and his needs. He
created for them time and subjugated the earth and what it contains, and the night
and the day, and the sun and the moon.

Allah is not encompassed by any time or place; He is the First and the Last, after
everything ceases to exit.

Similarly, the situations that human beings find themselves in are not attributable to
God like sickness, weakness and death as these are human characteristics not godly

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