(WallPaper) #1

One finds perhaps the most compelling of these descriptions in the chapter entitles
‘Songs’ where descriptions of women are so vivid they can arouse the reader, and
one cannot deny that descriptions of this nature can only but enhance the likelihood
of one falling into the crimes in mention.

Perhaps you can look at the issue in terms of levels or a manual that has levels the
first level would be ‘Songs’ the second would be Ezekiel and so on and so forth.

What is even more astonishing is that the book of Songs is then attributed to the
prophet of God Solomon (pbuh). Claiming that he worshipped an idol in the end of
his life.

These chapter also accuse God of commanding Hosea to take for himself a prostitute
and that he should have a child with her. [Hosea I :2]

It is likewise claimed that a man should drink from the breasts of his wife as is
mentioned in Proverbs 5:18.

It is therefore no surprise that we find all of these unspeakable acts taking place
amongst Christians in and amongst their ranks.

It is well known that if someone reads something illicit they become accustomed to
that thing and they are more likely to fall into it then if they were unaware to begin

Indeed the type of story shapes the personality of the reader.

It is unthinkable that these tasteless accounts have anything to do with Allah
Almighty let alone any prophet of God.

7- A claim that the impurity of giving birth to a girl is more then a boy.

Without going into much detail about the claim that the impurity of giving birth to a
girl is more then a boy. The reference is in Leviticus 13:1-5 it is explicitly mentioned
here that the period of impurity for a girl is two weeks whereas for a boy its only a

8- The claim that women were at fault for deluding Adam into eating the forbidden

This notion is clear from anyone’s reading of the Bible and is completely incorrect,
women were not responsible for deluding Adam (pbuh).

9- A call to not marrying a widow or a divorcee.

This is clear from the prohibition that is found in Leviticus 21:14

On a slight tangent one notices the great difference between Islam and Christianity
here when one considers that the Quran dedicates and entire chapter to ‘the
Women”. Islam came and raised the station of women.

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