(WallPaper) #1

This new religion of Christianity "...was abundantly interwoven with mythological
content drawn heavily from pagan sources..." along with having a theology "...which
was produced as the need arose to suit the mentality of the times..."

Later Church leaders thought to neatly end the confusion by saying that Jesus was
God-incarnate--an eternal being who "chose" to become a man in the womb of Mary.
Jesus had, in other words, two natures--divine and human-- which were united in
one single person. While they probably meant well, making a statement such as this
only led to more confusion.

The Jews did brush Jesus aside; in a way, however, the religion of Christianity as
conceived by Paul has also brushed Jesus aside. Despite what a Christian might say,
one will find no evidence wherein Jesus himself puts forth any of the afore--
mentioned doctrines within the Gospels. Since Jesus had no plans to start a new
religion, it goes without saying that he also did not formulate any doctrines for such.

All Christian doctrines are the work of Paul, based on his desire to gain favor--and
new converts--among the non Jews of his time. By incorporating pagan beliefs into
the teachings of Jesus, Paul achieved phenomenal success in his ministry, but at the
price of tearing down everything that true monotheism stands for. In so doing, Paul
abrogated all teachings of Jesus and gave mankind a set of beliefs that have plagued
his sense of reason ever since. It is here --the true nature and role of Jesus, as
opposed to the Christian view of such -- where we find the fundamental difference
between Islam and Christianity.

Paul would ultimately have a torrid death in fact he was killed by The Emperor

The similitude of Paul and his efforts to delude the Christians are like the efforts of
Abdullah Ibn Saba’ the Jew who tried to ruin and distort the religion of Islam from
its foundation.

He changed some of Islam fundamental doctrines of Islam and founded the Shiites
he built the foundation of this new religion upon the mistrust of the Quran and
suspecting the wives of the prophet as well as accusing his companions of apostasy.

He claimed that Ali the fourth Caliph was the true successor of the prophet and he
was demoted unjustly to be the fourth Caliph.

He is also similar to Paul in that he initially claimed that Ali was divine then,
realizing that that would not be accepted claimed he was a prophet of God.

Paul’s doctrine.

One of the most compelling things about the doctrine of Paul is that in many places
he even differs with Jesus himself, who they claim is the God of Christianity.

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