(WallPaper) #1

The foster father of Horus was Seb or Seph. <> Jesus was fostered by Joseph.

Horus was of royal descent. <> Jesus was of royal descent.

Horus birth accompanied by three solar deities [star gazers] who followed by the
morning star of Sirius bearing gifts. <> Jesus birth accompanied by three wise men
[Zoroastrian star gazers] who followed by a star “in the east” bearing gifts.

The birth of Horus announced by angels. <> The birth of Jesus announced by angels.

Herut tried to murder the infant Horus. <> Herod slaughtered every first born in an
attempt to kill Jesus the forthcoming messiah.

Horus is baptized at age 30 by Anup the Baptiser at a river. <> Jesus is baptized at
age 30 by John the Baptist at a river.

Horus resists temptation by the evil Sut [Sut was to be the precursor for the
Hebrew Satan] on a high mountain. <> Jesus resists temptation by Satan on a high

Horus had 12 followers. <> Jesus had 12 disciples.

Horus performed miracles like healing the sick and walking on water. <> Jesus
performed miracles like healing the sick and walking on water.

Horus raised someone from the grave [his father Osiris] <> Jesus raised Lazarus
[notice the name similarity] from the grave. Lazarus is short for Elasarus - the “us”
on the end is Romanized. Elasarus was derived from “El-Asar” which was the name
given to Osiris.

Horus was buried and resurrected in the city of Anu. <> The place Bethany
mentioned in John was a derivative of the words “Bet” and “Anu” which translates
“the house of Anu”. The ‘y’ on the end of bethany is interchangeable with the letter

Horus was killed by crucifixion. <> Jesus was crucified.

Horus was accompanied by two thieves at the crucifixion. <> Jesus was crucified
with two thieves.

Horus was buried in a tomb at Anu. <> Jesus was buried in a tomb located in
Bethany [Bet-Anu].

Horus was resurrected after 3 days. <> Jesus was “said” to resurrected after over a
period of three days.

The resurrection of Horus was announced by three women. <> The resurrection of
Jesus was announced by three women.

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