(WallPaper) #1

So it should be said to them: Is every one of these three persons distinct from the
other? Or is each one of them the other?

If they say: Each one of them is the other, it should be said to them: Then why
have you made them three?

The number itself indicates contrast and lack of similarity. Thus, by your own
words, you have confirmed what you deny, and you have negated what you assert.

But if they say: Every one of these three persons is distinct from the other, it
should be said to them: Which one of these three persons do you prefer to the

If they say: We do not prefer any of these persons to the other, their own initial
words reaffirm that these three persons are one.

Thus, it becomes clear through this debate how much such a false and corrupt
belief contradicts itself.

If the ‘three are one’ then why when it is said that Jesus died did they not also die.

Here one must ask is it possible for the Lord to die?

And if the Lord of Christianity died who bought him back to life?

Exalted is Allah from the accusations of the Christians.

So it is clear from these discrepancies the falsehood.

The Gospels their authors and the false claim of inspiration.

The four accepted Gospels by the Christian church are Mathew, Mark, Luke and John
but there are numerous other Gospels that are differed over.

The Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written atleast 35 to
70 years after the time of Jesus' ministry, by the people who were not eye-witnesses
of the events. The writers relied on oral traditions and some other earlier
documents which have not survived.

The information they give is very scanty and there are numerous contradictions
between the Gospels e.g. on who were the first witnesses to the resurrection of

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