(WallPaper) #1

Now once more the question: Was Jonah dead or alive when he was thrown into the
raging sea? We get a unanimous reply - that he was ALIVE! The storm subsides,
perhaps it was a coincidence. A fish comes and swallows him. Was he dead or alive?
And again everyone says ALIVE! From the fishes belly he prays to God for help. Do
dead men pray? "No!" So he was... ALIVE! On the third day the fish vomits him onto
the seashore - dead or alive? And the reply again is ALIVE! It is a miracle of miracles!
The Jews say that he was ALIVE!

The Christians say that he was ALIVE! And the Muslims say that he was ALIVE! Little
wonder that Jesus chose the "SIGN" (miracle) of Jonah as his only "SIGN" (miracle):1
Something on which the followers of three major religions are agreed. Let me
recapitulate this Mighty Miracle from the Book of Jonah: "... Take me up, and cast
me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm for you; for I know that for my sake
this great tempest is upon you." (Jonah 1:12)

  1. The Christians allege that Jesus was UNLIKE Jonah. Jonah was ALIVE for three
    days and three nights, whereas Jesus was "DEAD" in the tomb!(?)

  2. Jesus said that he would be in the tomb for THREE days and THREE nights,
    whereas the Christians say that he was in the tomb for only ONE day and TWO

Who is lying, Jesus or the Christians? The contradiction is clear.

4) The contradiction of the body’s of the dead and the spirit of Jesus.

It is claimed in [Luke] the Bible that the bodies of the dead are not flesh and bone
like the alive. Yet we find the description of the body of Jesus after his supposed
death described as flesh and bones. In fact they were terrified when they saw
him.The reason for their terror was that they thought that the man they saw
standing in their midst was not Jesus himself but his ghost. Ask your "BORN-AGAIN"
friends who want to share heaven with you, the reason for the disciples thinking
that Jesus was a spirit. Ask them, "Did he look like a spirit?" And though misguided
as they may be, you will hear their answer - "No!" Then why did the disciples of
Jesus think that Jesus was a spirit, when he did not look like one? There is no
answer! They are speechless.

"But they were terrified and affrighted and supposed that they had seen a spirit."
(Luke 24:37)

5) The proofs that Jesus (pbuh) was not crucified.

The proof lies in the fact that he Jesus according to the following Biblical accounts
prepared to fight, then prayed, one must ask if he is sacrificing himself for the sins of
man why would he resist capture? Here are the passages.

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