
(Dana P.) #1
4.5 Packet Attributes and

Characterization of Packets

A packet travelling through the network domain
is characterised by certain attributes. For a
packet11), p, the following functions are exam-
ples of definitions that characterize packet prop-

  • src(p) – returns the source IP address of
    packet p;

  • dst(p) – returns the destination IP address of
    packet p;

  • pri(p) – returns the priority level of packet p;

  • m(p) – returns the total length of the IP packet
    pin bytes;

  • pth(p) – returns the path that packet pshall
    follow through the network domain. The path
    is defined by the sequence of nodes that
    should be traversed by the packet as deter-
    mined by the routing algorithm;

  • lnk(p) – returns the links that should be tra-
    versed along the path of packet p.

Generally, every header field of a packet corre-
sponds to an attribute. Note that whether a cer-
tain function exists or not depends on the con-
text12). Further, functions that return the time a

given event took place are defined. These func-
tions are needed to describe network-level met-
rics that depend on the time certain events hap-
pened, as are metrics like unidirectional packet
delay and round-trip time.

  • ta(p, n) denotes the time of arrival for packet
    p∈Rn(t 1 , t 2 ) at node n∈V. The time of
    arrival is defined as the time when the last bit
    of packet pwas received by node n.

  • td(p, n) denotes the time of departure for
    packet p∈Sn(t 1 , t 2 ) from node n∈V. The
    time of departure is defined as the time when
    the last bit of packet pwas transmitted from
    node n.

For a packet, p, that was lost in node nor on link
l= (n, k) the time the loss occurred is referred to
as ta(p, n) and td(p, n), respectively.

By using the definitions from the previous sec-
tions of this chapter, various sets of events that
satisfy more complex properties can now be

4.5.1 Unusual Network Behavior
Unusual network behavior13)[Paxson97] in-
cludes packet re-ordering, packet misdirection,
packet replication and packet corruption. These
unexpected behaviors can all be expressed by the
model. Note that the model does not explicitly
define how to handle unusual network behavior.
However, the model allows various approaches
to be precisely expressed. Below are some ex-
amples of how the conceptual model is applied.

  • A packet, p, is misdirected if it is received by
    a node, n, that is not a part of its path, pth(p).
    The set of misdirected packets received by
    node nin time window [t 1 , t 2 > is defined by
    {p|p∈Rn(t 1 , t 2 , ∧n∉pth(p)}.

  • A packet, p, is replicated if the network deliv-
    ers multiple copies of the same14)packet. The
    set of replicated packets received by node nin
    time window [t 1 , t 2 > is defined by {p|p∈
    Rn(t 1 , t 2 ) ∧∃pj∈Rn(t 1 , t 2 ) such that p≡pj}.

Figure 4.2 Fundamental sets
of events as observed at node n

Rn(t 1 , t 2 ) Node n Sn(t 1 , t 2 )

Xn(t 1 , t 2 )

11)A packet, p, is considered to be unique. That is, it is assumed that packets are uniquely identified.
However, in a real network the ability to uniquely identify a packet depends on which attributes
that are available.
12)In a real network, the measurement instrumentation decides which attributes that are observable.
However, the conceptual model provides a flexible framework that can be adjusted according to
an actual measurement set-up.
13)It may be noted that packet re-ordering is usual behavior in a network with service differentia-
tion. Further, packet corruption not detected from the packet header checksum is not considered.
14)The definition of multiple copies of the same packet depends on which packet attributes that are
available. Generally, two packets are equal if all header fields are equal. This is denoted by
pi≡pj. Note that packets with equal attributes can be differentiated by the time of observation.
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