
(Dana P.) #1

decides which methods that are possible. Data
reduction is especially crucial for passive mea-
surements (packet traces and flow records) that
generate huge amounts of data. Large amounts
of measurement data should be transported with-
out any disturbance of the network operation.

As differentiation is introduced in IP networks,
the benefits and motivation to collect and anal-
yse measurement data will increase. The service
level agreements between various actors must
state precisely what is being measured and how
the measurements are performed. Since in a dif-
ferentiated services network the traffic is catego-
rized into flow types or priority classes, the per-
formance within each category must be mea-
sured. This can easily be achieved both by active
and passive measurements. However, it will be
more important to measure the performance of
real-time and premium services with strict per-
formance requirements than the best-effort ser-
vices. Thus, measurements of various granular-
ity may be needed for different service qualities.


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