
(Dana P.) #1
In this paper, the GenSyn measurement platform
is described. In Section 2 details about the Gen-
Syn traffic generator are given. The general
modelling framework of GenSyn is described in
Section 2.1, while Section 2.2 contains the cur-
rent available interface modules and examples of
source models; including FTP client, VoIP and a
combined user model. In Section 2.3 the imple-
mentation details of GenSyn are given and per-
formance constraints are discussed. Section 3
describes details of a distributed test platform
and different test scenarios, including examples
of results. Section 4 describes support systems
for conducting distributed experiments, GenSyn
Designer for setting up an experiment, and Gen-
Syn DataReporter for post-processing of mea-
surement data. Finally, the paper closes with
some general remarks and a list of ongoing and
further work in Section 5.

2 GenSyn – a Java-based

Traffic Generator

2.1 The Modelling Framework

Different source modelling approaches can be
considered to describe a typical Internet source:

  • Trace– replay of recorded stream of IP pack-
    ets, i.e. a stream of IP packets obtained from
    measurements is replayed and offered to the
    test network (e.g. replay of a tcpdump-file).
    If the recorded stream contains traffic from
    elastic sources (e.g. TCP connections) the
    replay will not be representative unless the
    congestion situation in the network is exactly
    the same. This will rarely be the case in a net-
    work with a mixture of traffic streams.

  • Aggregate generator(“black box”) – genera-
    tion of IP packets according to a parametric
    stochastic process. If a recorded aggregate of
    packets from elastic sources is used to deter-
    mine the parameters of the model, the same
    problem as described in Trace above will still
    be present.

    • User behaviour model(“white box”) – genera-
      tion of IP packets from physically based
      source models. More detailed measurements
      than for the two other approaches are required.
      However, the parameters in the model reflect
      the user behaviour and hence it is straightfor-
      ward to change the model if e.g. the number
      of sources is changed.

For generation of traffic in IP based testbeds
both user behaviour models, see e.g. [MTW99],
[ChLi99], [Vic98], [Ake99], [BaCr98], and
bulk-transfers, e.g. tTCP [MTW99], are being
used. GenSyn combines the user behaviour
approach with bulk-transfer of data via commu-
nication streams. Application of stochastic user
behaviour models described by state diagrams
introduces flexibility, scalability, and physically
interpretable model parameters. This part of the
modelling framework is similar to ideas used in
a former ATM traffic generator, called ATM100
or STG [HMM93]. However, instead of devel-
oping a specialized hardware instrument, Gen-
Syn applies modern Web- and Java-technology
and exploits the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP)
that is already available. This means that the
generator is only a software process that imitates
the user behaviour and dynamically controls
the creation and deletion of one or more links
(threads) to physical HTTP- and TCP-connec-
tions. The generator is not only a simulator; it
generates real IP packets that flow through a
real (test) IP network.

This section describes the fundaments of Gen-
Syn and the flexible modelling framework with
a few examples of use.

2.1.1 Multi-level Stochastic Behaviour
The models described using the GenSyn frame-
work will attempt to reproduce the inner work-
ings of the physical source. This includes many
stochastic processes, both human, environmen-
tal, and communication equipment. An example
of the variety of activity levels in a source is

Figure 1 Load generation in
an IP test environment


User behaviour model


User behaviour model

  • Controllable

  • Scalable

  • Re-producible

  • Realistic traffic

New network

New Service
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