
(Dana P.) #1
The VoIP is a specialisation of the CBR module
where the stream of packets has random breaks.
Both the time between breaks and the break
duration follow a negative exponential distribu-
tion. The VoIP module was created to model
silence suppression in an audio stream as intro-
duced and described in [Brad69]. Overview of Interface Modules
In Table 1 is given an overview of the current
set of interface modules. New modules will be
developed as requested by new models in new
traffic scenarios.

2.2.2 Example of a User Behaviour Model
In Section 2.1 the modelling framework of Gen-
Syn was described. The two-layered modelling
consists of a flexible and scalable state diagram
approach for describing the user-behaviour and
the interface modules described in the previous
sections. This means that on top of the interface
modules that were introduced in the previous
section many source models can be described.
In [Heeg01] descriptions can be found of an FTP
client that uses the FTP module and a voice
model that uses either the VoIP (for modelling
of silence suppression) or the CBR module. In
[Heeg00] models of a web and video server are

In this section a model that combines the FTP
and voice models from [Heeg01] will be briefly
described to demonstrate another aspect of the
flexibility of the GenSyn framework, namely the
ability to use more than one interface module in
the same model. First the descriptions of the
FTP and voice models from [Heeg01] are
repeated before the complete combined model is
given. The FTP Client
The overall model of the FTP clients describes
the user behaviour within and between sessions
by the 3-state model in Figure 8. A session is
essentially the same as the web sessions defined
in [Vic98] as a sequence of packets with less
than 30 minutes between two consecutive file
requests. The following states are defined:

  • Idle– the user is in-between sessions.

  • Read– the user reads the downloaded web
    page or a file and considers what to do next,
    download another one, or close the session?

  • Download– the user opens a connection to a
    url address, randomly selected from a list of
    addresses, and downloads this page or file. In
    the web interface module the page is parsed
    and all corresponding image files and applets
    are downloaded.

Module Protocol Source Source Destination Destination Packet Packet Send
IP port IP port size interarrival period

Mpeg Udp Fixed, Random, Random Parameter Frame size Frame Random,
given uniform from IP from is interarrival neg. exp.
by the in (25000, address parameter parameter is parameter distributed
machine 30000] list file from from
parameter parameter
file file

Cbr Udp Fixed, Random, Random Parameter Parameter Parameter Random,
given uniform from IP from from from neg. exp.
by the in (30000, address parameter parameter parameter distributed
machine 35000] list file file file
VoIP Udp Fixed, Random, Random Parameter Parameter Parameter Random,
given uniform from IP from from from neg. exp.
by the in (20000, address parameter parameter parameter distributed
machine 25000] list file file file

Web http-tcp Fixed, Random, Random Fixed, Parameter, Variable, Variable,
given given from 80, 90 file size given constrained
by the by http url list is given by tcp/ip by the
machine by web behaviour network
page size and
in url list servers
FTP http-tcp Fixed, Random, Random Fixed, Parameter, Variable, Variable,
given given from 80, 90 file size given constrained
by the by http file list is given by tcp/ip by the
machine in file list behaviour network

Table 1 Characteristics of
the current available set of
interface modules

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