
(Dana P.) #1

multi-point performance statistics are less com-
putation intensive and can be useful to check
that a certain scenario was run successfully. Point-to-point Performance
The performance from a certain source to a
given destination for a specified type of packets
is investigated by correlating information from
two packet traces. The statistics computed

  • Average unidirectional packet loss ratio;

  • Average unidirectional throughput (pps and

  • Unidirectional packet delay

    • Empirical delay distribution in bins of one
      ms computed over the whole measurement

    • Average delay in bins of various sizes as a
      function of time.

In addition, various statistics are computed for
the entire measurement period.

Note that point-to-point performance provides
statistics addressing unidirectional performance
including delay and packet loss. However, the
processing is computation intensive and requires
a substantial amount of time for large packet

5 Closing Comments

The measurement platform developed for QoS
tests of the IP network consists of two main
components; (i) to derive performance measures
like end-to-end packet loss and one-way packet
delay accurate traffic measurements are con-
ducted by external monitors, i.e. dedicated PCs
with a specialized interface card (DAG), and (ii)
a Java based traffic generator (GenSyn) that runs
on a dedicated PC produces synthetic traffic
according to an aggregation of stochastic appli-
cation models. This test bed configuration is a
very flexible platform that opens for doing many

exciting and controlled QoS performance evalu-
ation measurements in an IP network.

5.1 Measurement Probes

The actual measurement instrumentation for
QoS testing of IP networks deploys dedicated
PCs placed at strategic locations that passively
collect measurement data. These PCs are syn-
chronized by GPS.

The measurement probes in the test bed are very
flexible and enables a capturing level down to a
single IP packet if necessary. The monitor set-up
can be used with or without traffic generators,
the GenSyn is only used when the live traffic in
the network is not sufficient or the experiments
require controllable and reproducible traffic
loads. This means that the concepts developed
for this measurement platform can be of interest
also in other communication networks, e.g. the
service production platform, for testing of stabil-
ity, scalability, verification of service quality,
accounting, billing, and network surveillance
systems (OSS).

5.2 Traffic Generators

GenSyn is a Java process that generates IP traf-
fic using a flexible, scalable, stochastic mod-
elling framework for describing the user
behaviour of Internet sources. This stochastic
behaviour model is linked to the underlying pro-
tocol stack and generates real packets into the
network. This is a novel modelling approach that
chooses the best of two world; flexibility and
scalability of composite state models, and accu-
racy in the protocol behaviour by use of the
underlying protocol stack instead of making a
model of it.

5.2.1 GenSyn Modelling Framework
The modelling framework itself is flexible and
prepared for modelling of many different Inter-
net applications. Several model examples are
described in the GenSyn framework, including
web, FTP, VoIP, MPEG video, and constant
packet rate. The models developed are to some
extent parameter controlled and can therefore
easily be changed with respect to the number of
users, state sojourn times, size of packets, time
between packets, IP destination and source
addresses, file and web page locations.

New user behaviour state models using existing
interface modules can be developed without any
changes in the GenSyn implementation.

5.2.2 GenSyn Constraints
The scalability of the generator is limited by the
time granularity and time scheduler of the Java
Runtime Environment (JRE). The portability of
the generator is limited by both the inconsisten-
cies between different versions of Java APIs,

GenSyn availability
A free licence for non-commercial use of
GenSyn can be obtained by sending an
email to: [email protected]. The
licence does not include source code.
Please visit
GenSyn/gensyn.html for further details.
The GenSyn distribution comes with a set of
models and parameter lists with default val-
ues. The interface module parameters are
described in Table 1.
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