
(Dana P.) #1

change it at any time. The MPR daemon process
measures the NPL parameters and sends them
every 16 minutes to the Management server
through a TCP socket interface. The Manage-
ment server receives the measured values, puts
them to a file for the charging application, and
calculates with some algorithm new reservations
between the MRPs and starts scripts in the
MRPs to refresh and to modify the RSVP reser-

When the network is initialised, RSVP reserva-
tions are made between the MRPs. As band-
width in a practical IP-network is limited and
traffic variations could be rather high, we did
not set up one-to-one reservations between each
MRP for each class but instead configured each
MRP to accept up to a given limit traffic coming
from all other MRPs. In the laboratory network
this difference cannot be seen as there are two
MRPs only. After each 16 minute time slot the
RSVP reservations are modified by the manage-
ment server based on the measured NPL values.
In the implementation the management server
collects the measurement values from each MRP
every 16 minutes, but to minimise management
traffic we could have sent a trap only if the NPL
value measurements show exceptionally bad or
good results. There is a small protocol guaran-
teeing that a user of a better class will also
receive good quality, not only be able to send it:
the receiving MRP stores the class of each exist-
ing connection to a table. Provided that there is
a response or reverse flow which sends the cor-
rect receiver’s class to the sender’s MRP, the
received quality will also be good.

User traffic must be accepted to a reserved pipe
by the MRP, which then must keep tables of

users and active connections. There is a simple
admission control, but it is currently rough.

Figure 5 shows the structure of the MRP dae-
mon. IP-packets come from a user’s application
without any quality markings. When these pack-
ets enter the MRP, in Figure 5 the Access Node,
the MRP daemon looks at a table where for each
registered user are kept the assignments of IP
packets with given protocol and port number to
an AC/QC pair. The AC/QC pair is mapped one-
to-one to a ClassID, which is the quality class
identifier that the technical solution understands.
The packet is marked with the ClassID. The
ClassID also gives the MRP number because
of the way the ClassIDs are assigned: they are
unique to the extent that a receiving MRP can
know which MRP sent a packet with a given
ClassID. If there is no entry for a given user or
(protocol, port)-pair, no marking is done, and the
packet will be best effort.

The MRP daemon also sets a time stamp into the
IP-packet. This time stamp enables calculation
of the delay and jitter from a short term delay
variation. We need to time-synchronise the
MRPs with some protocol like NTP (Network
Time Protocol). As all MRPs are in one opera-
tor’s network, we can assume that NTP can be
used and is sufficiently accurate: 10 ms is a suf-
ficient accuracy to the QUASI-model, and that
can be reached.

A packet with a given ClassID is mapped to a
correct RSVP reservation selected by the routing
mechanism. The reservations are already set in
the beginning and modified in a slow pace with
updates every 16 minutes, they are not made
when a user starts his connection. This is for
scalability reasons.

Figure 5 Architecture of the

End system

QoS Window

QC/AC Selection

User ́s


Table of Services
Protocol Port Number ClassID
TCP ftp_port QCx,ACx
TCP www_port QCy,ACy
UCP ftp_port QCz,ACz


Intserv mapping


Logical connection

IP packet
with CID and

IP packets

Physical connection
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